Chapter 14

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"Stay away from me!" I scream in fear

"I won't hurt you.. listen to me, Cyrinna " he came closer,his eyes plead for me to hear him out

"I trust you! You who trapped me so Roger could use me didn't you?" taking a step back as he came closer

"I love you as my own brother but you lied! You want me to kill people just like Roger! " I yelled at him tears forming upon my eyes

His lips was pressed into a thin line as I've spitted those words.

A frown greeted his face and his emerald eyes seems to filled with guilt.

He felt that way for not telling me who he really is, I perhaps

A hurried steps fills the house from the stairs but I didn't manage to look besides my eyes were on this..vampire

"What's going on here? " said Greg as he stand between us

"I can't keep it from her so I tell her the truth " explained Leo

Greg let out a heavy sigh, turn to look at me.He held my shoulders firmly.

"It's okay, calm down.He wouldn't harm you, sweetie "Greg said looking into my eyes

I looked away, fear that Greg would get hurt as he look at my eyes.

"We'll do something with those eyes " Greg patted my shoulder

I'm totally confused. Greg knows that Leo was a vampire all along? And he even knew about my eyes?

"I told you.He'll help you with those violet eyes of yours " Leo said, ruffles my hair which I didn't expect when did he stand besides me

The betrayed feeling has now replace by curiosity which made me eager to know about.

"Can anyone tell me what is wrong with me -my eyes? " I asked as the both of them looked at me

"You have special abilities and one of them is your eyes "

"Is it me only or-"

"I have too like yours but my eyes didn't change their colours when I used them"said Greg calmly

"It's because you're special " Leo interrupted

"The princess with the eyes of nightmares " Leo continue

"Woah woah.. what's with the princess thing?" I asked curiously

"Nothing." He shrugs

Okay this is getting confusing.So that means our blood line has special abilities?

"Yes.Clever girl" Leo chuckled, I knew that he's reading my mind

"Yes I am " he replied again which annoys me very much

"Shut up. Just pretend normal, okay? "

"I guess problem solved " Greg interferes

Greg went downstairs and left us alone.I shoot a glare at Leo. He look at me,raising an eyebrow.

"What else do you know about these special abilities? "

"I'm sorry.I can't tell you.It's not my job to tell" he gave me a small smile

A wave of disappointment hits me. I really want to know but it seems like no one wants to tell me what I really am.

"Does this mean that you forgive me? " a smile tugged on his lips

"I can't stay mad at you for eternity though " I replied with a shrug


A man standing in front of me but I can't see his face because of the darkness covered most of his face.

A glimpse of light reveals his strong jawline then his lips.A playful smile drawn on his face.

I heard footsteps getting louder which I assume this man is getting closer to me.

He step forward from the shadows and approaching me.


"Miss me, sweetheart? " he smile more playful than the previous one


I look away as my mind draw a memory that he had kissed me.I felt my cheeks burning as I thought of it.His hands made its way around me.I keep pushing him away from me but the tight grip of him around my frame is useless.

Urgh! I really wished that I can turned into Hulk so I can punch him with my big fist until he collapsed.I heard him laugh, reading my mind I assume.

Oh please..not the mind reading thing again.

"You're the one who would collapsed.. in my arms"he whispered

"Euww " I rolled my eyes in disgust

"You won't say that if I took you to bed, dear " he kissed my jaw roughly, I pushed him again and again but his grasp is too strong till I can't escape

His lips made its way to my neck and touch my sensitive skin,made a moan escaped my lips.I can feel him smiling against my skin.

"How dare you touch her! " Roger stop and tilt his head to the side,a wicked smile appears on his face

I turn around and trying to get away from his grasp but I can't because his strong hands around me.I look at the person.

"Please,help me " I begged to the man that appeared upon my sight,standing there with his eyes furiously landed on Roger

It's.. him

"I'm sorry Your Highness.I found out this girl was quite amusing no wonder you choose her although she's just a human "he bow and glance at me

"Let her go "he said with his face tense

Roger didn't listen to him besides he keep holding me,kiss my hair

"And she smells really nice " Roger praise

"I'll kill you " the darkness surround us become cold

An ice sword formed on his hand,running towards Roger with the sword.

Roger pushed me to the side and a shadow crippled to his legs to his face as he approach Roger.

He can't even move,his anger rise and the shadows that hold him been froze by him.In a blink of an eye,he was standing in front of Roger.

He put the end of the ice sword on Roger's neck and Roger was surrounded with ice daggers.

I gasped.Disbelieve with my eyes.That's was incredible.

"Stay away from her if you don't want your head's off " he warned

"I will Your Highness " he gave him a smirk before he vanished

The cold surrounds us was still cold.The ice daggers and sword had disappeared as he approach me.He crouch down and pulled me into his arms.His warmth spread to my skin and warmed me up.

"I should come earlier "he tilted his head up

"You came!" I locked my arms around his neck

"I'm sorry for leaving you that night.I just- "

"It's okay "I gave him a smile, slapped his shoulder

He let out a small laugh."What was that for? "

"For making me missing you terribly "

"It's not only you who had that feeling! I miss you badly till all night and day you've been in my mind "he laughs

I gave him a peck on his cheek in a sudden.I pulled away, blushing and tilted my head a bit to look at his face.He seems a bit shocked with my actions but he gave me a smile instead.

You promised..

You came..

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