Chapter 15

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"Wake up princess " I heard Leo chuckled,pulling the curtains to the side and the sunlight flash my eyes

"Urghh"I groan,cover my eyes with my hand

"Get up Cyrinna "Leo gave a light slap on my shoulder

"I wanna sleep.. "I moan,covering my face with a pillow

"Mum made breakfast already " he said,hoping for me to get up

"It's weekend Leo " I mumbled under my pillow

"Well I forgot to tell you about him.Actually his a friend of mine " he said, waiting for me to response but I remain silent

Like I would buy that..

"You know what, every guy doesn't like this type of girl who wakes up late in the morning although it's weekend.That kind of girl wouldn't be in our ideal type " he continue, I feel that he's smiling hoping that I'll eat his words

I sit and look at him with lazy eyes.He smiled.

"Liar " I state

"Well it's okay if you don't trust me " he shrugs

"I'm going back to sleep anyway " I mumbled

"Oh no you won't " he said,I ignore his words and close my eyes again

As I was about to slammed myself against my fluffy bed, Leo grab my waist and lift me up.He throws me on his shoulders and walked downstairs with me on his shoulder.

"Arghh! Mum, Leo wants to throw me from the stairs! " I yelled

"It won't work Cyrinna " I crossed my arms and pull a long face,pouting

Curse you strong vamp..

"Why thank you" he chuckles

As we reached the dining room,Greg's eyes widen then a smile drawn on his face.He shook his head.

"Put me down " I pout

Leo did as I says and he put me on a chair.He took a chair besides me.

"Kids " Greg mumble as he glance the both of us then look back at the newspaper,reading a newspaper on his hands

"Just because you're stronger than me doesn't mean that you can throw me on your shoulder like that " I huff

"Come on it was fun! " Leo chuckled

"At least can you let me wash my face first? " I glare at him, he stuff his mouth with a spoonful of pancake

"Why do must be so serious? It's just us who sees your ugly bed face."he states, his eyes on his pancakes

"Don't worry he won't see this ugly face of yours " Leo pinch my cheek

"Leo! He has nothing to do with my ugly face " I can feel that my cheeks tinted with red as Leo mentioned him

Leo was practically staring at me then he poke my cheek a few times and I found it weird.

"Aww.. she's blushing! " he smiled till his eyes closed

"I'm not!"

"Don't deny it,Cyrinna. I see there's love in your eyes " he put his hand on mine and this time I can feel like he meant it

He's not fooling around like he always did.

Love.. does it still live in me? Does it exist or does it had been thrown away after I removed Ethan in my life.

I hope there's no more love in me after Ethan.But Leo's words it's like telling me something.


It was just a dream like I've expected. I just met him once..then he tells me a goodbye.Time surely does not allowing us to spend time that we wants.

Although it was just a dream.

"Focus! " Leo's stern voice snapped me out of my thoughts, draw his sword back to its case

"You're not focus today.You keep thinking about him " he look at me

Geez..thanks to Greg that I able to control my eyes.

"I dreamed about him last night.He saved me from Roger " Leo's jaw dropped a bit as I've mentioned Roger

"What happened in your dream?Did you see something unnatural? " he fired me with some questions

"He attacked Roger with an ice sword and Roger was completely surrounded with ice daggers " I replied

I see him face palm and wonder why.He let out a sigh

"Just don't think too much, okay " he said,put a hand in my shoulder

"I'll try " I muttered hesitantly

"Now let's continue. Prepare to lose upon my sword " I said with confident

"Oh really? " Leo draws his sword but I hit my sword to his sword hard till it touch the ground

He makes his next move by getting closer to me.Throwing a punch at me,I avoid it and brings my sword to his neck.Smiling with satisfied, I feel a sharp thing against my skin and it was at the both sides of my neck.

I see two daggers lies on my skin.

"Didn't see that coming,huh? " he smirked

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