Chapter 8

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He says his goodbye. Wait! I didn't even know his name. Ugh and now I've a new friend. Hopefully he's a type of guy that I trust. After that incident, I hardly trust anyone but Leo..I feel that he's trustable.

Cold air touches my skin and I knew it came from the blue rose. I glance at the rose and mesmerized by its colour. It reminds me of him.

'I miss you' a voice whispered.

I know that voice very well. I look at the window of my room but there's no sign of him. A glimpse of disappointment hit me.

'We'll meet again. I promise. '

"I know.. but, where are you? " I glance at the blue rose.


I made my way to the school's gym to do some workouts for my legs well to keep my legs in a satisfying condition. My eyes roam around the gym. There's no one in the gym and it's only me. Maybe I came here too early. I shrugged then I turn on the lights.

As I was about to put my bag down, someone grabbed my wrist or more like pulling it. I turn around and saw..


To my surprise he push me to the corner of the room which was the corner that did get the light source much.

His tight grip around my wrist hurts me. I struggle from his grip, plead for mercy as I look up at him. I gasped in shock as I found his eyes... shade of black.

"Let me go! You're hurting me, Ethan! " I begged but it was useless, he didn't seem to care the pain that he created on my wrist.

I was afraid of him. Afraid if he would do something to me perhaps beyond my expectations. Who knows? And the shade of black in his eyes frightened me more than the thoughts of those things that he'll do to me.

What happened? Why did his eyes got shade of black? Every time I begged for him to let go he seems ... emotionless. Like the Ethan I knew had gone.

I struggle to pushed his tight grip on my wrist. I keep struggling but the more I did the pain gets worse. I'm no use compare to his strength.

"You'll hurt yourself if you keep struggle. " a voice said behind Ethan echoes.

A man in a black long sleeve shirt and a black slack approach Ethan. I heard him ordered Ethan to stay still but his tight grip didn't let my wrist go. It seems Ethan listen to him. A smirk play along my lips. Coward.

I caught a glimpse of blue eyes before me but it's not that clear because he's hiding among the shadows.vMost of his features are unable to be seen due to the shadows around us.

A smirk plastered on my face. Ethan's a coward after all. The guy turn his gaze from Ethan to me. Fear shoot my heart.

"There's no need to fear of me. I just want to see you. " he said with a gentle voice, stepping out from the shadows.

Am I dreaming?Damn,this guy is much better than Ethan! Ugh..cut it off, Cyrinna.

"Who are you? "

"I'm a demon,dear. "he smiled grimly

"What did you do to Ethan?!" Damn I've never concerned of someone's feelings after they hurt me.

"I'm helping you. I want him to feel how suffer and broken you're after what he had done to you. " he explained, glanced at Ethan then back to me.

"What do you mean? "

"I know you want him feel the pain but you deny it. I'll help you with it." he look into my eyes.

"Look straight into his eyes. Remember how suffer you are after what he did to you." he ordered.

I force myself not to hear his words but it seems my mind has been controlled by this demon. I try to shut my eyes, avoid to look Ethan's eyes but it failed.

My eyes met his and my mind recalled the pain that I've suffered. A loud scream from Ethan echoed my ears. It seems like I'm hurting him. I heard a loud bang.

I see the demon was thrown against the wall hard by Leo with the corner of my eyes.

"What do you want from her?! " yelled Leo.

"I want to see how powerful she is. I want to see how she ended that poor humans' life "the demon smirked.

"Go away from her. If I found you're trying to harm her. You'll regret! " Leo warned and the demon vanished into the shadows.

I heard Leo calling my name with fear. He shook my shoulders to stop looking at Ethan's eyes. I can't!

A thought of seeing Ethan died with fear emerge my mind and it made Ethan screaming in pain.

"Stop it!" I screamed in fear as Ethan scream painfully.

"Stop looking into his eyes Cyrinna!" Leo covered my eyes with his palm but I pulled his hand,looking into his emerald eyes.

"No.. Don't Leo!" I warned

But it's too late.

As I look into his eyes I see a image of a young girl, clutching her chest where blood gushing out from it. She whimper of the pain on her chest. She tried to get up with all her might but she ended up lying on the ground..helpless.

I approach her,thinking that I might help her but pity. My existence was seem didn't notice by her, like I was never there. All I can do is looking at her pale, covered with blood body.

My eyes widen as I caught three long lines on her chest,where the blood gushed out. I look at her face and her eyelids gets heavy till it she close her eyes. Tears form but I held it back, unwilling to let them run down to my cheeks.

Then, I heard loud footsteps echoes in my ears. I found Leo running towards the girl, kneeling down before her almost frozen body.

His hands were shaking as he touch her skin. In a blink of an eye,the girl was wrapped around Leo's arms. He buried his face on her shoulders and muttered words in a tone of whisper.

I've never seen Leo this broken..I felt sorry for him..My sight turns blanked. Everything that I saw disappeared by a strong wind. I blinked as see Leo covered his face with his hands.

I touch his shoulder then he look up at me. His eyes were red then he pulled me into his arms without saying a word. I hugged him back, patting his back as his hands moves down and up behind me.

"Are you okay? " he asked still holding me in his arms, I felt guilty.

I'm the one who should asked that question. It suppose to be me not you.

"I'm sorry for hurting you..I didn't meant to. " I said, touching his face,I can feel that he's hurt because of that girl's death. His lover I guess.

He gave me a weak smile "The demon controlled your mind so it's not your fault. "

He helped me to get up and we left the gym.

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