Girl Meets World

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"Why do we have to sneak out of the house, if we're not doing anything wrong until we sneak onto the subway?" Riley asked for the hundredth time.

"Do you think you're ready to just walk by your parents?" I asked looking at my outfit in the mirror while Riley and Maya sat at the bay window.

"I think I'm ready!"

"Let me see your face as you walk by your parents," Maya said rolling her eyes.

Riley pulled the most ridiculous face as I sat next to Maya and said, in my best Topanga voice, "Why you making that face at us Riley?"

"Because, I'm sneaking on to the subway." she paused, and then decided, "Out the window."

"Let's go," Maya and I said, starting to climb out the window.

We were pushed back in when Riley's father, my godfather, Cory climbed into the room, "Here's what I'm thinking, it's not your world yet. It's still my world. Because if it was your world, Maya would have you and Violet on the subway already." I looked away from him as he came closer to me and Riley, "Thinking you put one over on me, but you didn't."

"How long do we have to live in your world?" I asked getting up from the bed.

"Until you make it yours," He put his hand on my shoulder, "Violet, do you know what I want more than anything more than anything, what your parents wanted more than anything?" I shook my head, "For you to make it your world."

"We will" Riley said, linking her arm with mine, "When we do will you still be there for us?"

"Right here." Topanga, my godmother, said from our bedroom door, I gave her a smile.

We left the apartment the three of us arm in arm and went down to the subway station; it was our first day of high school, ninth grade year. I looked around the subway, giggling at the look of awe on Riley's face.

"Weasel!" Maya and I greeted our friend who plays the drums here every morning, I had been riding the subway with Maya since the sixth grade, but Riley always rode with her dad.

"Maya, Violet, who's the new chick?" he asked gesturing to Riles.

"Chick, down here I'm a chick," Riley said in excitement.

"She's new to the underground world," I said ruffling her hair and laughing.

We got on the subway and we were standing by one of the poles as Riley put on lip gloss, I nudged Maya.

"Wow Riley you don't do lip gloss," Maya said in a teasing tone.

"Oh, What I forgot to mention is I'm completely reinventing myself," Riley said smiling at us.

"Oh really, this ought to be good," I rolled my eyes.

She continued," I ride the subway now I have kiwi lips now! And I'm just as cool as you and Vi now."

Maya smirked at something behind Riley.

I followed her glance and saw an attractive guy our age reading a book, "Show us how cool you can be Riles. Turn around"

She glanced at him and he was already looking at us, he flashed us a smile and Riley just started giggling.

"Yeah you're gonna need some lessons." Maya said looking to me, "Show her Vi."

I shook my head at her, "You show her!"

I wasn't as rebellious as Maya but I wasn't as much of a goody goody as Riley I was somewhere in the middle.

Maya marched over there and we stood watching, "Hey, I'm Maya. You're really cute. We should hang out sometime. You make me happy. You don't pay enough attention to me. This isn't working out. It's you not me. We can still be friends not really."

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