Girl Meets Texas Pt 1

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A/N: This is unedited. I had major writer block when it came to this story but I am going to start writing again! I am so excited to be back. Let me know what you guys think! Do you guys think Violet and Lucas will be broken up for long?


"We have changed the life of somebody in this room," I announced coming into the classroom Maya and Riley following me quickly.

"Oh, please not me. I'm happy with my life the way it is," Farkle cried.

"Yeah, we're not talking about you," Maya told Farkle as I pranced over and sat on Lucas' lap.

"Oh, no. What'd you do?" Lucas asked hiding his head in the crevice of my neck.

"Oh, Lucas, in your whole history, we know what has always been your biggest regret," I said lovingly putting arms around him.

"Baaaah," Maya quietly made the noise of a sheep.

"What's that? Why would you do that?" Lucas snapped his head up quickly.

"Baaaah!" Riley chorused.

"You used to be a champion sheep rider at the mutton bustin' rodeo, until you fell off of Judy the sheep. And then you gave up, but you never got over it." Maya announced

"That is my deepest, darkest secret. No one knows I fell off Judy the sheep except..." he looked at me and Zay accusingly.

"Hey, it wasn't me they tried to tell me about it." I said.

"They made me, Lucas. They made me," Zay cried.

"How did they make you?" Lucas asked his arms squeezing me tightly.

"I said, "Y'all wanna hear a great Lucas story?" They said, "yes."" Zay shrugged.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. I'm over it. I don't think about that day at all." Lucas sniffled, "I fell off that sheep so fast. No one likes me."

"Awww hunny I lo- like you" I said rubbing his hair comfortingly.

"Lucas, you can fix this. Get back on that sheep and be a sheep champion." Riley encouraged.

"We have made that possible." Maya said excitedly.
 "How? How'd you make that possible?" I asked not knowing about this part of the plan. I thought we were just teasing him.

"Show it to them" Maya told Riley

"Ride, Lucas! Ride, boy! We have entered you in... the annual mutton busting tournament! In Austin, Texas! In front of everybody you know," Riley yelled.

"You can't enter me in mutton busters. You can't be over eight years old or over 55 pounds," Lucas said looking at them confused as we both stood up.
"You are wrong, young Lucas. We entered you last week and your application has been accepted," Maya argued handing me a letter of acceptance.

I started to read it aloud, ""Congratulations, Lucas Friar. "You are an official entry in this year's "Austin round up rodeo. "You will be riding Tombstone the sheep".

"What? Tombstone?" Lucas grabbed the letter out of my hand.

"Oh, well, that's the end of you." Zay said patting his back.

"Why is it the end of him?" I asked grabbing onto Lucas' arm quickly. "What's the difference between riding Judy the sheep and Tombstone the sheep?" Maya asked.
"Maya read it again" he handed her the letter.

"Blah blah blah. Over the age and weight limit for mutton busters. Blah. We have placed you in the adult rodeo where you will, blah, ride Tombstone the sheep" Maya read aloud.

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