Girl Meets Boy

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Maya, Riley, and I were standing by my locker talking when Lucas walked by and sat on a bench in the hall. Riley pulled out her phone and started texting him. I smiled at him when he glanced at us.
"Talk to him!" Maya said looking from Riley to Lucas. I shifted uncomfortably trying to ignore the feeling of jealousy at the fact that Riley was always texting Lucas.
"Why would I do that?" she said looking up from her phone to Maya, "We have a great texting relationship."
"You know what else a great texting relationship is?" Maya asked as Riley was sending another text.
"Talk to him!" Maya exclaimed.
"Riley he's right over there!" I added encouraging her, just because I had a thing for the guy doesn't mean I'm not gonna try and support my friend.
"No too complicated over there, lots can go wrong over there, the only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there." Riley rambled.
I sighed and just pointed to Lucas, "go"
She walked up behind him and stood there mouthing words to his back, not being able to talk to him.
"Oh god" I said resisting the urge to face palm.
"She has it bad, almost as bad as you have it," Maya said smirking at me.
"I don't have it bad, he's my friend," I said before continuing, "Riley likes him"
"Riley only likes him because he is new. Look at who he's looking at anyway." she said raising an eyebrow at me. I sighed and smiled at Lucas who was already smiling at me.
"You're just as bad as her! Go talk to him," Maya said pushing me toward him.
"Hi" he said catching me as I fell forward from Maya's push.

I was saved by the bell. Riley walked back over to us and Lucas walked into class, "How'd I do?"
"You smelled him," I said pursing my lips.
"Yep" she said looking down.
"You smelled him that's what you did," Maya said again.
"I walk through life the way I walk through life!" Riley said as she walked into Cory's class.
"Can we at least talk about this?" I asked.
My phone dinged and I read the message aloud, "nope."
"Vi, you should tell her you like him" Maya said before walking into class.
I sighed and followed sitting in my usual seat in front of Lucas.
"You guys don't connect with each other," Cory started lecturing as soon as the bell rang.
He held up his cell phone, "It's like you can't exist without these. You use emoticons rather than emotions. You're an unfeeling generation of zombies!"
Maya and I put our heads together and started mimicking zombies and pretending to eat each other.
"Stop eating her," Cory said shaking his head. Someone from our class walked in late, "Ms. Mizel, you're late."
"My goldfish died," she said face completely lacking any emotion.
"See this is what I mean. She clearly suffered a tragic loss and she's not in touch with her emotions," Cory continued.
"'Scuse me," she rolled her eyes, "I'm crying my eyes out, I'm gonna have to leave class early," she walked out of class.
"Wow she actually made it out the door this time," Cory opened the door to call her back to class, but she was already walking back in straight to her seat.
"Wow I actually made it out the door this time."
"Uncle Cory, adjust and deal." I smiled at him.
"Cell Phones have been around for like ever," Riley added.
Cory looked at Riley, "It'll amaze you to know that there was a whole world-before you and cellphones."
"It'll amaze you to know that I have 394 friends in here," Riley pointed to her phone screen.
"And I'm amazed you believe that," Cory drew a line straight across the board, he followed the line with his chalk, "This is a timeline of all human existence, starting here is everyone who's ever lived, laughed, loved, and experienced the value of life," He drew another line this one very close to the end of the board, "The cellphone era begins here and pretty much destroys all of that."
"Sir, if I may take a different position," Lucas said politely and I smiled at the sound of his voice, I had it bad, Maya was right.
"Yeah save me Mr. Friar, did I go too far?"
"Always," I said and Lucas laughed quietly.
"I understand your point, but I use my phone to video chat my old friends and see what's going on in Texas."
"Yeah how else can he keep tabs on what's going on with all the hoedowns and cattle pageants," Maya said making fun of him.
"Maya," I warned smiling at her joke.
"It's okay Violet, I'm unaffected by Maya's views of country life" Lucas said leaning forward toward me from his seat behind me, "As my uncle buster always says 'be like an eagle and soar above the mocking bird."
"You're the Mocking bird" I said to Maya laughing at her facial expression.
"I know." She said glaring at him, "It kills me that I can't get to you"
"Sorry mam," He tipped his imaginary hat at him.
"Ohhhhhhhh" she shuddered
"Farkle time sir?" Farkle's hand shot up.
"Ooh I love Farkle time!" Cory and Farkle switched places.
Farkle stood in front of the room and began ranting, " With all due respect to history Mr. Matthews, what's important to our generation will be on this," he gestures to the latter half of the timeline, " part of the timeline. When Farkle and technology rule!"
"Wow" I said crossing my legs.
Farkle walked up to the desks and continued, "I will easily be able to make another one of you," he pulled out a piece of Riley's hair.
"Another one of you," He pulled out a piece of Maya's hair.
"And another one of you," he pulled out a piece of my hair.
"Ow!" I said annoyed, "Wait, so there will be six of us and one of you?"
"That's amazing," he said smiling brightly, "The future, you can't escape from it, I am Farkle!"
"The assignment you can't escape it! I am teacher!" Cory tried to be funny, "Okay so here's what we are gonna do guys, we are gonna split into teams and see if new technology has made us better people. You'll do presentations on your findings. And here's a twist – no computers."
"What?!" Farkle yelled frantically.
Cory ignored him, "We're going old school. You're gonna do your research at the New York Public Library."
"Where?" Maya asked confused.
"And here's another twist because I trust you not at all, give me your cell phones." Cory said as the whole class collectively freaked out.
We all handed them in begrudgingly.
Even though I'm not sure he's allowed to do this.
"Thank you all. Okay so teams for this assignment." Cory went around pairing everyone up until it was just the five of us left.
"Well the class is uneven, so Riley, Maya, and Farkle together, and then Violet and Lucas," Cory thought about what he said.
"Wait for it," I said smiling at my partner, waiting for Cory to freak out.
"No wait no no," Cory said as the bell rung.
"Too late Matthews looks like Lucas and Vi get to spend a lot of time together," Maya said winking at me.
"No!" He said again.
Lucas and Vi, I loved the sound of that.
Everyone was leaving class, Cory grabbed Lucas, "Why did you have to come here?"
"I'm sorry I make you uneasy sir," Lucas said as we walked out of class together.
"Bye Cory see you at home!" I said leaving the class.
"Dad they don't even have their phones what could possibly happen?" Riley asked her dad before she walked out.
"Hey soaring eagle you walking with us to the library tonight?" Maya asked as Lucas walked by us after class.
"Sure, if that's good with you guys." He said looking at me.
"Well seeing as your Violet's partner on the assignment, let's ask her," Maya said looking at me,"Violet? Any thoughts?" Maya asked as I stayed quiet.
"Oh yeah its cool," I said still smiling at him, god I'm an idiot.
Riley looked at me as if she was finally putting something together in her head.
"Riley what's wrong?" I asked curious.
She waited until Lucas was gone to answer me, "You like Lucas!"
"What psst no" I answered not so smoothly.
"She got it bad." Maya said to Riley.
"Oh yeah she got it real bad." Riley decided. "She wants to be Mrs. Cowboy," Maya and Riley were laughing at me.
"Shut up! Let's go home," I said laughing, I was so relieved Riley knew and she was okay with it.

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