Girl Meets Popular

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"Look what's happening, look what's coming." Riley tugged on my arm while I was talking to Maya about Lucas.

"What's coming, crazy?" I asked her turning away from Maya.

"Invitations...To the seventh grade parties. It's begun. We could be party girls." Riley said excitedly, "I'm going to need a party-girl walk." She said while walking like a person with two broken legs.

"Yeah, that's not it." Maya told her steadying her with her hands.

"You know, there is going to be boys at these parties. But not just any boys. No, opposite-sex boys." Riley continued.

" I've heard they're the best kind." I said holding in my laughter.

"Yeah, you sound ready for this." Maya said sarcastically.

"Oh, I am. And I may just be the first girl who crosses over from our side of the room to the..." Riley stopped and watched Lucas walk into the hall.

"Yeah, it's gonna be me." I said as we continued watching Lucas.

"Yeah, it's gonna be you." Riley agreed glancing sadly once more at Lucas.

"What's going on guys," Lucas asked coming over to us standing in between Riley and I.

"You know what pretty-boy hipster is handing out invitations to... Don't you?" Riley asked the three of us.

"A party?" Lucas asked confused.

"Membership cards to the popular club." Riley corrected him.

"Why can't you just let it be a party?" I asked rubbing my temples.

"Because this is it, right here. This is where you all go one way and I go the other way. You guys get the invite and you marry pretty-boy hipster and Violet marries Lucas, and I end up marrying Anthony Delvecchio and we buy things in bulk. You're all gonna be popular. I'm not. Good for you. Good girls. Bye-bye, Violet, Maya," She started to pretend to sob. Then pretty invitation boy walked over to us and handed only Riley an invitation. "Yay! For me. I know you guys didn't get one, but is it okay if I'm really happy?"

"You go get 'em, tiger." I said laughing knowing she just got invited to a nerd party.

"I love you, but... You're a lot of work" Maya said as Riley started to dance down the hall.

"Boom!" Riley said as she shoved her invitation in her dad's face.

"You got invited to something?" he asked surprised.

"So much for genetics, baby." I said making fun of Cory.

"Ooh, seventh grade party. Yup, I didn't get invited to a whole lot of these." Cory said sadly, "Good for you. I'm proud of you. Boy-girl party?" he asked Riley, looking up from the invitation.

"Yup." Maya answered.

"You can't go." Cory threw the invitation.

"May I approach?" I asked sitting at my desk.

"Hurry, please." Riley and Cory said at the same time both looking to me.

"I'm gonna keep your young'un out of trouble, Cory" I said smiling sweetly at him.

"Violet, you are trouble. Why would I want my young'un anywhere near the same party you or Maya are gonna be at?" Cory shot me a confused look.

"Say it. You know you wanna say it." I pushed him and saw Riley and Maya smiling as they finally caught on to my plan.

"You can't go if Maya or Violet are invited." Cory said thinking he won.

"We aren't invited." Maya said smirking at Cory

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