Girl Meets Father

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"Look at that eleventh grade woman!" Riley said as we were standing by my locker waiting for class to start, "We're going to be eleventh grade women someday." She was amazed at the way the girl was putting on makeup.

"I wear makeup," I shrugged getting my history book out of my locker and then closing it.

"This thing goes to eleventh grade?" Maya turned to me.

"To twelfth," I nodded at her as she frowned.

The older girl was putting on eyeliner and Riley watched her, "why that?"

"Brings out your eyes," I said handing her mine.

"Why would I want to take out my eyes?" she asked concerned.

"She's not taking out her eyes," Maya clarified laughing at Riley's childishness.

"And I think she is!" Riley said pointing at the girl who was now curling her eyelashes.

"It's an eyelash curler, it doesn't even hurt," the girl rolled her eyes and handed it to Riley.

Riley chucked, "I have eyelashes."

"Here we go," I said.

"Watch this," Maya told the girl.

Riley closed the curler on her eye wrong, "Ahhh."

"Anyone else would let go," I said watching Riley.

Cory walked by, "Open it."

Riley finally let go, "Thanks Daddy."

"Yeah okay," Cory shook his head and walked into his classroom.

Riley handed the girl back her eyelash curler and she walked away.

"Ladies," Farkle came up to us.

"Farkle," we all responded.

"School dance, I'm gonna put you three down for numbers one through all of them," he winked at us, "we will alternate. You and me, me and you, and you and me. When you are not dancing with me, you may not dance with anyone else. You may sit and wait until you dance with me again."

"Yeah, none of this is happening," I said smiling at him.

"Oh. Well, then may I have one dance with each of you?" He asked hopefully.

"Sure," Riley answered.

"Ha! That's all I wanted. You just got played by the Farkle." he said and quickly ran away.

Lucas came down the stairs, "Hey guys."

"Lucas!" I said raising my hand to high five him.

"Hand," Maya said and I put it down.

"Lucas!" I said again without my hand.

"Grown up voice," Riley said.
"Lucas, hello," I said internally screaming at my dorkiness.

"Hey," He laughed at me.

"Hey, heehaw," Maya said still trying to make him mad with her constant teasing, "You going to the dance? Because you know it's not a square dance, so there's not gonna be a whole lot of do-si-doin'"

"Well, then I'm sure I'll have no idea what to do and you can make fun of me," he responded completely calm.

She pointed at him accusingly, "You're not playing this right!"

"Well, that's certainly not my intention. I'll try harder next time," He smiled at me when he saw I was laughing.

"I will break you," Maya promised.

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