Girl Meets Texas pt.2

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A/N: This took wayyy to long so I'm very sorry. I actually really like this chapter and the direction I decided to make the story go in. Please vote & comment on the story if you like it! Also if you have time and you like the show Riverdale, please check out my new story, I would really appreciate it. Enjoy the story!


"Vi!" I heard my friends yelling while I was sitting under a tree my legs pulled up to my chest, tears falling down my cheeks.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me and I prayed quietly that it wasn't Maya or Lucas. I hid my face on my knees as whoever found me sat down.

"I don't know what to say to make you feel better," I let out a grateful sigh when I heard Riley's voice, "But I'm going to try."
I lifted my head and rested it on her shoulder, "I love him Riley."

"Then why did you run off?" She asked confused.

"She loves him too," I cried.

"Violet, since you met Maya, you have done so much for her, you've gotten her out of trouble, you used to give her whatever toys she wanted. Just this once you should put yourself before her."

I looked at her, "for someone who didn't know what to say to make me feel better you sure did a great job."

"I know," she smiled at me and got up, holding a hand out for me, "Now get up lets go inside and get ready because we should celebrate Lucas tonight. Don't give up on him for Maya, Vi."

"Have I ever mentioned how much I love you?" I said while we walked back to the house together.

I managed to avoid Maya while I was getting ready until we were ready to walk out the door, she pulled on my arm stopping me, "Can we talk please?"

"Not tonight Maya," Riley stepped in, opening the door for the three of us.
"Whoa," Lucas said but I couldn't look at him so he could have been talking about Maya.

"Gentlemen, look how lucky you are. You treat 'em right," Lucas' pappy Joe said smiling at the three of us.

"Thank you, pappy Joe," I said walking over to the end of the porch, "I see why you get homesick for Texas sometimes, Lucas. I never knew that the sky had this many stars."

"Its the second most beautiful thing in the world," Lucas said walking over to where I stood.
"Ask him what the first is," Zay said giggling.

"What's the first?" I asked looking up into Lucas' eyes.

"You are Violet," he said putting his hand on my cheek, "I know you said you cant be with me Vi but please, I need you. You're the first person I want to talk to when I wake up and the last before I go to bed. Please"

I looked around at the people around the porch who were waiting for me to respond. I looked at Maya last, who was starring down at the floor.

"I need to think Lucas," I said taking a step away from him walking back to the comfort that Riley brought me.

"Maya, what was she talking about earlier before she ran off, that she loves me but she loves you to? What does one have to do with the other?" He turned to Maya. She stayed quiet only looking at the floor, "Maya, are you seriously not gonna talk to me?"

"You could've gotten hurt on that stupid bull. What do you think you getting hurt would have done to the people who..." Maya cut herself off.

"Care about you? I think you were gonna say "care about you." Riley said.

"I'm not talking about me. You think I'm talking about me?" Maya said getting defensive.

"Yes, I do," Farkle joined in the conversation.

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