Girl Meets Game Night

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"Family game night. My favorite night of the month. Just me, my family, and my 'jama pants," Cory said running into the living room with a box.

"Why do you guys have to make such a big deal about game night?" I asked.

"Because game night is sacred, Violet." Cory laughed and continued talking,"I know this is gonna come as a shock to you, but there's gonna come a day where you start to prioritize friends over your family."

"What? No." I said nervously wishing Riley was here and not in Philadelphia visiting her grandparents.

"Did you tell them yet? Did he freak?" Maya asked me bursting through the door before turning to Cory, "Did she tell you? Did you freak? Show me what you did. Freak out for me."

"Why would I freak out? I don't freak out." Cory said calmly before yelling at me, "What did you do?!"

"Family game night, now with extra family." Riley's uncle Josh came into the room saving me.

"Hey Josh," I called stepping away from Cory hoping he forgets about freaking out.

"Well, hello. Well, hello. Auggie didn't want to miss game night. We never made it out of the city." Josh announced handing Cory a crumpled bill, "Oh, here's your money."

"Hey, this is a dollar. I gave you a hundred." Cory frowned.

"With that kind of money, you think we're not gonna buy steaks?" Josh laughed.

"Wow guys, thanks for the invite," I joked.

"Thank you, papa." Auggie rubbed his tummy.

"You know what? My brother!"

"My brother! Cory and Josh did the weird bro hug thing.

"Listen, you're here for game night. You're family, you're in." Cory patted his younger brother's back.

"Farkle." Farkle said from downstairs through the intercom.

"And Lucas." Lucas said.

"And Liam" Liam finally added and Cory frowned.

"Wow she invited both of her boyfriends" Maya joked and Cory was still frowning.

"Boyfriends what boyfriends?" Josh's head snapped up going into protective older uncle mode.

"Nothing they aren't my boyfriends, either of them," I said seriously, Lucas was not my favorite my favorite person. We had been getting into arguments and he's been flirting with other girls, including Riley, "Come on up." I said into the intercom buzzing them in.

"Topanga. It's happening. I thought we had a few more years." Cory started freaking out shaking his wife.

"Calm down." she rolled her eyes.

"No calm. It's happening right now. Violet invited her friends to family game night." he turned to be and squeezed my face, "Violet, shnookums. Um, you're gonna have to start to prioritize what's more important to you, your family, huh? Or your friends? There is only one right answer."

"Why do I have to choose between..."

"Wrong answer." Cory said sadly.

"I love my friends and I want to hang out with my friends." I opened the door to my apartment, "Welcome to family game night, friends." I invited them inside. Liam hugged me as he came inside.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong answer." Cory kept repeating.

"Get rid of them." Cory told me.

"Why do you have to be you all the time?" I asked rolling my eyes looking to Topanga for help.

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