Girl Meets First Date

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I was at my locker grabbing the last of my things for Cory's class when I saw Lucas walking down the stairs toward me, smiling. I leaned against the lockers and waved at him.
All of a sudden Cory ran over to me picked me up and ran into the room dropping me on my desk before running over to the door to slam it an lock it before Lucas could get in all while yelling "nooooo."
"Cory, are you out of your mind?" I exclaimed as I slid off the table and into my actual seat.
"Violet, it's time for the talk." Cory decided.
"In front of the whole class?!" I asked looking around us.
"Yeah, give her the talk. Let's see what you know." Maya laughed at my embarrassed state while Riley looked at me sympathetically.
"Okay. When a daughter... " Cory started.
"Stop." I pleaded.
"Excuse me," Cory ignored me and ran over to the other door that Lucas was currently trying to open, "Not today, chachi." Cory said throwing himself against the door.
Lucas easily pushed open the door open pushing Cory along with it, "Sir, you've known me all year. You like me, admit it."
"I don't wanna," Cory glared at him.
"I'm one of the good kids. What are you so afraid of?" Lucas asked.
Cory walked over to the chalkboard angrily mumbling. He erased 'Belgium 1831'.
"No-ooo!" Farkle yelled and we all turned to him.
"Are you wearing a Belgium 1831 shirt?" I asked.
"Don't judge me Violet Avery."
"Okay, guys. It's seventh-grade spring fever, which leads to dating, which leads to movies, which leads to popcorn, which leads to putting your hands together in the dark touching the popcorn, which leads to holding hands, which leads to that" Cory ranted separating a couple that were rubbing their noses together.
"Violet, I am begging you, stay in neverland, okay? No growing up," Cory begged me before looking at Farkle, who was raising his hand.
"What do you want?" Cory asked
"The way I see it, I'm in an interesting position here," Farkle stated.
"How do you figure, Farkle?" Cory asked thinking about it.
"He does know that you and Lucas kind of already have, well had, a thing right?" Riley asked about her dad.
"Shh, we don't need to remind him" maya said giving Riley a lollipop.
"Let's approach this as a scientific equation. You're scared of Lucas going out with Vi, right?" Farkle continued.
Cory ran his hand through his hair and asked, "Oh, does it show?"
"Yeah, he's good-looking and athletic." Farkle shrugged.
"He's 36!" Cory exclaimed.
"Give your goddaughter to me. I'll give you four oxen and my best milking cow." Farkle offered.
"Are you actually thinking about this?" I asked Cory offended.
"It's a good deal." He defended.
"I will decide who I go on my real first date with at such time as somebody asks me." I said and Lucas raised his hand and I stared at him shocked since we had been fighting lately and I didn't really think he liked me anymore.
"This is the best day ever." I said aloud.

"Why do you think he put his hand back down?" I asked my two best friends while opening my locker.
"Because Dad wouldn't call on him," Riley suggested.
Maya laughed, "And I don't think he ever will again."
"Life used to be so simple, guys. Wake up, brush my hair, eat cereal, When did all of this pressure happen?" I asked and then decided, "Boys have it easy, they get to ask."
"Oh yeah, they wouldn't last a day in our shoes..." Maya started, "Waiting for them to get the courage to ask us? And then doing the vacuuming and ironing the babies."
"You don't iron babies," I corrected.
"Vi, this isn't the '90s anymore. You want something, you go get it." Riley said.
"You guys are telling me you're not a little bit afraid of this?" I asked not believing them.
"No." They said together.
"You're saying that if you had feelings for somebody that you wouldn't be nervous?" I clarified.
"No, the only thing that makes me nervous is that the thing that everybody wants to happen never happens because everybody's too afraid to make it happen." Maya said giving me a look that made me know I was everybody.
"How do you even know everybody wants that?"
"Because when you look at Lucas you're whole face lights up. Even when you're mad at him or fighting with him you're so much happier just to have him around," Riley said smiling at me.
"Hey, Ranger Rick." Maya said as Lucas and Farkle walked over to us.
"Hey, one of the other ones," Lucas replied giving me a small smile.
"You wanna go out with me?" Maya asked.
I turned to look at her so fast I probably got whiplash.
"What?" Lucas and I asked at the same time both clearly in shock.
"You wanna take me to a movie and put our hands in the popcorn at the same time and see what happens, or what?" She told him.
"Okay, you two and me 'cause I don't care" Farkle said trying to put his arms around me and Riley.
I took one more look at Maya and Lucas who still hadn't responded and walked out of the hallway Riley following quickly after me.
"Violet wait!" Lucas yelled.

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