Girl Meets Crazy Hat

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Thunder rumbled as Maya, Riley, and I walked into the subway station.
"There she is again," Riley said referring to crazy hat.
"Crazy hat's always here." I said taking off of my trash bag poncho.
"What do you think her deal is? Former movie star? Olympic figure skater?" I asked as we walked closer. "Bum on a bench," Maya suggested.
"But look at how she looks at everyone." I said observing the older women.
"What goes on in a head like hers?" Riley asked.
"I guess we'll never know." Maya shrugged. "Hey, crazy hat! What goes on in your head?"
"And a new adventure begins." I said shaking my head at Maya.
"You, you, and you, c'mere! I'll teach you about life." Crazy hat pointed at us.
Maya and I sat on either side of her.
"Can't." Riley tried to pull me off of the bench, "Stranger."
"You want her to sit on the bench, She's gonna need three forms of identification." I said pulling my arm away from Riley's grasp.
"Trust me." A cop came over to us, talking to Riley, "I know who she is. She's all right."
Riley nodded sitting next to me, "Okay, copper."
"Hey! That's officer copper to you." The cop said tipping his hat at crazy hat, "Mornin', Evelyn. Never gonna stop rainin', is it?"
"That's okay, Eugene." Crazy hat smiled at the man, "These three little dollies are about to give me one of their designer ponchos."
I pulled one out of Riley's bag and handed it to Evelyn, "They're garbage bags, Eugene." I explained, "But you have to put a hole for your head."
"Ah, so you can breathe." He nodded understanding.
"So the garbageman doesn't throw you out." Riley said.
"Yep, that happened." I remembered.
"I was yelling, but he didn't care." I patted her back comfortingly.
"We rescued her from the truck." Maya said.
"We chased her all the way to 33rd street" I concluded our story.
"Wow, now that is a friend. Me? I don't Chase nobody for nothin'." The cop admitted.
"What if I stole a banana?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"I'd be very disappointed in you." He said shaking his head at me.
"Okay." I looked down at my shoes.
"I have observed you three are good friends." Crazy hat said once the cop left.
"Don't miss a thing, do you, crazy hat?" I said sarcastically.
"No, I don't." She promised, "Now you're about to be late for school, and I'm about to be late for addressing the united nations."
"The United Nations?" I asked.
"Have a good day, dollies. Be good people, learn all you can." She said putting on the poncho and walking away.
"How does that happen to someone, Violet? Do you think that could ever happen to us?" Riley asked me.
"Well, at least nothing worse than that could ever happen." I said to Riley pointing to the passing trash man.
The garbage man picked up Riley and threw her into his cart and Maya and I just watched.
"Maya! - Violet?" Riley screamed for help.
"Okay," Maya said following the cart as I grabbed Riley's bag.

"Belgium, 1831" Cory started teaching the class.
"No!" I said.
"In 1831, Belgium" Cory started again.
"No!" I repeated since clearly he didn't hear me the first time.
"Violet?" He asked looking at me.
"What's my thing?" I asked.
"What's your thing?" Cory asked confused.
"What is she going to be, Cory?" Riley asked trying to help Cory understand where I'm going with this.
"Am I gonna be okay?" I asked to him having a small mental breakdown about the future.
"Violet, listen to me very carefully." Cory said and I stayed quiet, "In 1831, Belgium declared its independence from the Netherlands."
"What will people be thinking of me if I end up living in a subway?" I asked still on the subject.
"Violet are you okay?" Liam asked putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey I was gonna ask her that," Lucas pushed Liam's hand off of my shoulder. "Are you okay, Violet?"
"It doesn't count when you don't do it first, buddy" Liam shrugged and leaned back in his seat smugly.
"What if nothing happens for her, sir?" Maya started, "Vi can't end up like that. She's my meal ticket!"
"What the? I just saw you girls at breakfast!" Cory said to us confused on how we got so messed up.
Farkle said something in another language.
"Calm down, Farkle. You're speaking in Dutch again." Riley said.
Farkle slapped himself across the face and began speaking Spanish.
"No no no," Cory said, "You slapped yourself way too hard. You went all the way to Spanish."
"My education should not be based on your goddaughter's moods." Farkle scolded Cory.
"Neither should mine, but it is! Guys, a daughter asks her father, "what's my thing?" This question will resonate in the hearts of all parents from the moment it's asked until the day their child feels comfortable in the world.Pretty soon you're all going to join the work force.What's your thing? What do you aspire to? How will you affect people? That's the only history that matters." Cory said beginning an entirely new lesson.
"Thank you, daddy." Riley said.
"Thanks Cory," I said.
"All right, guys, tell you what" Cory clapped his hands, "Let's split the class into two separate businesses and see how you do for yourselves. We'll see if anyone's got anything to worry about, okay?"
"Excellent." Farkle said in a scary voice, "What will our companies be?"
"Doesn't matter." Cory said looking around the class, "Uh Muffins, okay? You three are going to be "Violet, Farkle, and Liam's muffins. That'll be your thing for the week."
"Me and Riley already got our thing." Maya said, "Violet's gonna be a success and we will sponge off her until she gets sick of us."
"I will never get sick of you." I told her with a smile.
"I am set for life!" Riley exclaimed.
"All right, let's get out there and make some money cash, cabbage, cheddah-cheeeze!" Farkle snapped at me.
"Those are your values, Farkle?" Cory asked.
"What else should a company value but profits?" Farkle snorted.
"If I had a company, I'd treat my employees well and make sure we did right by our customers." Lucas said in a sweet voice.
"You are everything that's wrong with this country." Liam said.
"Awe don't be mean to him he's to sweet for his own good," I said smiling at Lucas.
"Then you do have a company, Lucas." Cory decided "Hart, Matthews, and Friar muffins."
"So these two competing companies will hire the rest of you guys as employees. Everyone else in school will be your customers. Let's see what happens." Cory said leaving us to begin with our companies.
"Here's what happens, we crush you." Maya said to Farkle.
"We will be bajillionaires, and you will eat your words using plastic cutlery" Farkleretorted.
"You're cute when you're menacing." Maya winked at Farkle.
"I don't know what to do now." Farkle turned to me for help.
"I know." I patted his head.
"Good luck Vi," Lucas said to me as the bell rang.
"Thanks you too," I blushed as he grabbed my hand.
We started walking out of the classroom together when Liam came up to us and put his arm around my shoulders.
"Let's go work on the project Vi," Liam said looking at Lucas.
"Seriously?" Lucas said annoyed.
"Right now?" I asked.
"Yeah come on," Liam said starting to pull me away.
"I'll see you later Lucas," I said walking side by side with Liam.

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