Girl Meets the Truth

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Today was the day of the school play, I was Juliet and Lucas was Romeo. Lucas said his lines as I lay 'dead' on the table, "Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And, lips, oh, you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss."

This was it he's gonna kiss me here we go. I felt his breath on my face when Farkle barged into the scene pointing a spear at Lucas, "Back off!"

"You got to be kidding me," I said quietly.

"What meanest thou...spear carrier?" Lucas tried to remain in character sounding very annoyed, but he continued, "Who havest no lines."

"You tried to kiss my women," Farkle pointed at Lucas. "This I cannot allow. Prepare to die!"

"I'm not your women."

Lucas was finally done, "Farkle, What are you doing? Its 'Romeo and Juliet'."

"Well, now It's Romeo and Juliet and Farkle, I play Farkle" Farkle said as I internally battled with myself about whether to yell at him now or later.

"Dude, I'm supposed to kiss Violet, I mean Juliet, Shakespeare said." Lucas argued with Farkle.

"Who thinks the spear carrier should finally get to kiss Juliet?" Farkle asked the audience.

The audience cheered.

"Not happening," I said still lying down.

I heard Maya yelling loudly, "Yeah, you kiss that girl, you crazy spear carrier."

"Hart, Matthews, you cometh uppeth here and getteth kissed too."

The crowd cheered again and Maya and Riley walked up to the stage begrudgingly and lay next to me on the fake stone thingy.

"How you doing?" Maya asked me.

"I just don't understand how we always end up in situations like this." I said still annoyed that Lucas didn't get to kiss me.

Long story short we didn't kiss Farkle and the play ended. After, Maya, Riley, and I were walking through the cheering crowd with Lucas behind us. But when Farkle came through there was complete silence, but Riley started to clap and everyone followed suit.

"Thank you Farkle nation!" he yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Farkle come here," I said still kind of mad.

"Violet, don't, he thinks he was good," Riley held me back.

"Yeah and we're gonna fix that," Maya told her.

"But you guys can't tell him the truth. You'll crush him" Riley reasoned.

"Oh, I can tell him the truth, it's you who can't tell him the truth because you're afraid." Maya told her.

"I'm not afraid, I'm nice."

"You're saying we aren't nice?" I asked pointing between me and her.

"No I'm afraid to say that." Riley looked down to the floor.

"Come on Riley, tell him the truth. You know Farkle, you know what will happen if you don't." I shrugged.

We walked over to Farkle who was signing an autograph for a random girl.

"Farkle!" Riley exclaimed, "You were so--what are the best words?"

"He killed the play, those are the words." Maya said crossing her arms and I began to feel bad for Farkle

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