Girl Meets Smackle

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 "Ancient Greece," Cory said starting class right after the bell had rung; He was walking around the front of the classroom holding a very prettily wrapped present.

"What that? What that that?" Riley asked pointing to the present.

"What thi-this?" Cory asked her and she nodded, "This is a present."

"Is it for me?" Riley asked with a big smile on her face.

"What's your game, Cory?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Game? I mean no game." Cory answered too quickly, "I just want to know who here wants this present."

Everyone raised their hands except Maya and me.

"Oh, Maya, Violet, what? You assume by playing hard to get, I'm gonna give it to you?" Cory asked us

"Well, yes," Maya said as if it were obvious, "That's one of the many arrows in my quiver."

"Medieval talk what are you doing to me, woman?" Farkle asked Maya shuddering.

"Violet?" he turned to me.

"Well, no I just don't want it considering it's probably some life lesson on a box," I shrugged.

"Riley!" He handed her the present.

"Yay!" She quickly opened the box and pulled out a small chalkboard that said, "The Trojan horse?"

"Surprise" Cory said smiling.

"Called it," I said.

"This isn't a present." Riley pouted, "This is one of your life lessons wrapped up in a class lesson wrapped up in a box of nothing just like Violet said."

"How you doing, honey?" I asked Riley.

"I'm all worked up" Riley said furrowing her eyebrows.

"We know," Maya said comforting her.

"You assumed because it was all neat and pretty that something good was inside. Ancient Troy was protected by walls. The Greeks couldn't get in, so they built a big wooden horse and left it behind. What do you think the Trojans did?" Cory was lecturing the class.

"They left it there because they were afraid that somebody was trying to teach them something?" I jokingly asked, before seriously answering the question, "They captured it as a trophy and brought it inside. That night, the Greek soldiers crawled out of the horse and defeated Troy."

"What have we learned here?" Cory asked. Lucas raised his hand and Cory called on him, "Mr. Friar?"

"Don't make assumptions based on what you see?" Lucas said.

"Riley, listen, I'm sorry I made an example of you." Cory apologized before pulling out a smaller box, "So here's a gift for you."

"Ooh no! I want to no! Pretty ribbon no!" Riley said battling with herself.

"I'll take my chances with that, Sir." Lucas said as he got handed the box.

"No, Lucas. You have to assume it was no good because the first one was no good." Riley told him putting her hand on the box to stop him from opening it, "Aren't you all proud of me, dad?

"No!" He said and she finally let Lucas open the box

"Get out of detention free," Lucas said pulling out a small card.

"Ooh, I could use one of those," Maya said, "Gimme that and I won't call you "ranger Rick" all week."

"Here you go" he handed her the card.

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