Girl Meets Gravity

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"Violet Avery from Greenwich village, New York City, the United States of America, the continent of North America, Western hemisphere, the Earth, the solar system, the universe. The mind of God. And in the middle of all of it, is John Quincy Adams Middle School, me and my friends, because we are the center of the universe. At least, that's what I thought," I said to the room full of people looking up at me.

"Who's ready for a brand new year?" Topanga said excitedly coming into my room where Riley and I were hiding under the covers.
"Why are you still in bed?"
"Is he gonna be my teacher?" Riley asked her mom.
"No. We are not doing that again. That was crazy. New year, new teacher, get excited, because you and your friends are the kings of middle school now." Topanga said smiling at us.
"First day of the new year!" Cory walked into my room, "Why are you still in bed?"
"Are you gonna be my teacher?" I asked this time.
"No! Your mother and I went through that with Mr. Feeny."
"Yeah, our teacher from sixth grade to college." Topanga clarified.
"How could that happen?" I asked.
"In an unexpected... But completely believable way," Cory said as I thought of the nice older man who I had met on several occasions.
"What up, losers?" Maya said climbing in through the window and then into bed with me and Riley.
"No, no, no! No doing that, girls. School!" Cory said ripping off the covers.
"Who's gonna be my teacher?" Maya asked.
"Your teacher?" Cory scoffed, "Whoever loses."
"I don't believe you," I told him, but the truth is I didn't want to believe him.
"I'm telling you, girls, I'm gonna be teaching your lives to a whole new group of students!" Cory laughed at his own joke.
"Do you believe him?" Riley asked us.
Maya ignored her, "I can't even believe we're starting off the new year without first talking about how when we were on the subway and you took Lucas by the face..."
"We... are not talking about that!" I said jumping out of my bed and grabbing my bag.
"Matthews. You don't get to tell us what to do anymore." Maya gloated.
"Get out," he commanded.
"Okay, but that was the last one." I said.
"Dad, you have to let us learn how to walk through life on our own two feet." Riley told him as we left through the window. As soon as we started walking we realized we forgot our shoes but they wouldn't let me go back in.
When we got to school Maya looked at me, "Have you talked to him?"
"Not since he left at the beginning of the summer," I answered knowing she was talking about Lucas.
"Violet that's almost three months," Riley stated.
"I know."
"Hey, look at your feet. They're naked!" Farkle said coming over to us.
"Eyes up here, buddy." I said messing with him.
"Hey, Riley, your dad gonna be our teacher again this year?" Farkle asked.
"He said he's not. I'll believe it when I don't see it." Riley said as I bumped into lucas.
"Oh, hi," I said.
"Hey." he replied.
"Hey. You have to talk about it," Maya interrupted.
"She's right," Lucas said.
"Hi," I said again trying to avoid the subject.
"Oh, hey".
"Glad we talked about it," I said as the bell rung.
"Yeah, me too," he said. Riley, Maya, and I walked into class with our eyes closed.
"I know it's gonna be my father. I can't look. Scared." Riley said.
I sighed, "Okay. Ready? Quick peek."
"One, two, three, go," we counted down.
I opened my eyes and saw a teacher who was not Cory.
"Did you see what I saw?" Riley asked.
"Oh yeah." Maya said excitedly.
"Then why are we covering our eyes?" I asked.
"Because it's gonna go away, I don't want it to go away, and it's gonna go away." Riley said.
"Girls, take a seat," the young attractive teacher told us and we immediately all went to sit next to him on his desk.
"Your seats." he said.
"Yeah, okay," I said smiling and sitting in my usual seat.
"Let's get started. Belgium, 1831," teacher dude said.
"This is gonna be our best year ever," I decided.
"Let's just get up, go over, and look at him up close," Maya said and the three of us stood up and walked over to the teacher.
"Yes?" he asked.
"He said, "yes."" Riley observed.
"What do we do now?" Maya asked.
"I'm gonna touch him on the face," I said standing up.
"Sit down!" he said sternly.
"You three strike me as a few of girls who are used to special treatment. I don't know who your last teacher was, but I don't do that," he scolded and just lost all of his attractivenes.
"Farkle time, sir?" Farkle asked politely.
"Go ahead, kid. You gotta Farkle, you gotta Farkle." the teacher said.
"No, this is where he takes over the class," Lucas explained.
"Oh. He takes over the class, you just talk without raising your hand, and these three just do whatever they want?" the teacher asked.
Lucas raised his hand, "Yes?"
"Pretty much, yeah."
"You know what? I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to shape young minds. I wanted to dedicate my entire life to being an influential person who commands respect!" The teacher ranted.
He was getting on my nerves so I stood up, wiggled my finger in his face, and then touched him.
"I quit!" he announced.
"What happens now?" Maya asked as Cory came into the room and pointed at the three of us.
"You did this!"
" I can't believe you're gonna be my father again," Riley exclaimed.
"Wait Riley-" I started.
" I said what I said," she cut me off.'
"Seriously, Matthews, how's this possibly happening?" Maya said putting her head in her hands.
"I like that it's happening. The other guy wouldn't give me Farkle time," Farkle said smiling at Cory.
"Yeah, he didn't like it at all when we talked," Lucas said.
"It's true. It was like he wanted to talk all the time. I don't think he knew that history class is supposed to be about our lives," I said playing with my hair.
"Galileo. Everyone believed that the sun revolved around the earth... Except for him. Everyone thought they were the center of the universe and that everything else circled around them," Cory started lecturing erasing Belgium off the board yet again.
"I know somebody who circles around us... Little too closely." Riley said.
"Is that what you think's happening here, Riley?" Cory asked.
"We're a year older. We should be able to head off and explore without you," Maya added.
"Okay. And you guys think you're ready?" He asked us.
"Born ready," I answered confidently.
"I'll get there!" Riley added.
"You know what we're gonna do, Matthews? We're gonna transfer out of here." Maya stood up.
"Yeah!" Riley said standing up.
They both looked at me, "Yeah?"
"Farkle?" Riley asked.
Farkle just shook his head.
"Lucas?"  I asked.
"I don't think so, Vi. I really like him. I like the way he teaches us, I like how we're talking right now, and he doesn't stop us when he could if he wanted to." Lucas explained and then stopped, "Wait. Why don't you stop us?"
"Yeah, that's interesting, isn't it?" Cory said.
"Well, we're done with you," I told Cory and Lucas, "Thanks for the lessons."
"Buy yourself something pretty," Maya said slipping Cory some money.
"Thank you. Oh, you're gonna need transfer slips," Cory stopped us before we walked out of the room.
"I knew it. He's gonna keep us here on a technicality," Maya sighed.
"Go ahead. Beat it.," Cory said handing us already made transfer slips.
"Look at us, guys... three young, independent women taking their own road, making their own way with their guts and their brains," I said looking back sadly at the class.
"Needing nothing from anybody from this moment on!" Maya said as Cory threw our shoes out the door.

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