Girl Meets Yearbook

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"Ladies and gentlemen of the hallway, it's yearbook time!" Riley announced coming down the hallway with Farkle. Lucas and I waited for them to come to us. Lucas wrapped both of his arms around me and rested his head on mine.
"Hi, page 42. Hi, pages 27, 34, and 58." Farkle said when he got to us.
"You're doing too much," Riley told me, "You should calm down."
Maya and Liam joined us at my locker just as Riley said, "Yearbooks! Find out who we are and what we really think about each other."
"You wanna know what I think about you?" Lucas asked me.
"No, I do not," I announced.
"But I wanna tell you," Lucas kissed my cheek.
"I  really don't think you need to," Maya said snapping at us.
"I'm gonna do it anyway," Lucas said smiling at me before whispering in my ear, "I really lo- like you."
"Yearbooks. All of our classmates say what they think of us. Yearbooks, find out how we'll be remembered," Farkle said dragging our attention back to the books. He looked at Lucas, "Guess what. You took another nice picture, you freak."
"Thanks, Farkle".
"How will you be remembered? Did they do it to you again?" I asked trying to find the superlative page in my yearbook.
"Most likely to be Farkle..."
"Farkle," I said trying to comfort him.
"I didn't think I'd win it again this year, but I did," Farkle shrugged.
"What does that mean exactly, Farkle?" Liam asked.
"How should I know? They turned being me into a category."
"Hey, Riley won most likely to smile herself to death," Maya teased.
"Aw. Well, who wouldn't wanna go that way? I mean, when the time comes, why you gotta be a gloomy Gus?" Riley said smiling dorkily.
"Riles, I don't think they meant this as a good thing," I said breaking the news to her.
"They're making fun of me, and they're making fun of you too.," Farkle explained.
"What?" She asked.
"Would you stop smiling?" Maya scolded before turning to Lucas, "What did you get, huckleberry?"
"I got most likely to be okay with anything that ever happens,"he said pointing to his picture.
"How do you feel about that?" I teased.
"Well, actually, I'm okay with that, what did you get babe?" He asked me.
"Most stereotypical popular girl," I frowned.
"Look, guys, we're not gonna make a huge deal out of this, are we?," Liam asked.
"What did you get?" Farkle asked him.
"Most likely to love a girl who forgets I exist."
"Yeah. Who cares?" I scoffed trying to avoid Liams eyes.
"It's only what everybody thinks of us," Riley said frowning.
"What's more important to you? What you think of yourself or what other people think of you?" I asked all my friends.
"What I think of myself," Riley answered.
"Yeah. And what I think of myself is that it really bothers me what other people think of me," Farkle added.
"Yeah. Well, forget about it. It's not like you can just turn around and be someone new," I chuckled.
"Yeah. This is me now," farkle said in all black clothing.
"Farkle?" Lucas asked.
"Nope, Farkle is gone. You will never see him again."
"Oh boy, can't we ever have a normal day" I asked sighing.
"I'm Donnie Barnes," he said.
"Really, Farkle, of all the names in the world you could pick for another personality, you pick Donnie Barnes?" Maya asked.
"You don't get it, do you? I'm Donnie Barnes, regular guy," farkle said as we sat in our usual seats.
"I'd see that movie," Cory said joining the conversation.
"Donnie Barnes is the real me. Farkle Minkus is my goofy other personality," Farkle explained.
"No, you're Farkle, you're dorky and one of my best friends," I demanded.
"I don't wanna be most likely to be Farkle. Face it, cowboy. There's a new pretty boy in town. Thank you. I am... Donnie Barnes," farkle sat in his seat.
"Are you gonna do something? Because this is where you do something, right? Are you gonna do something? Is there a lesson? You got a lesson? Is there a lesson?" Lucas went up to Cory freaking out.
"Iceland" was all Cory said.
"Iceland! You all fixed? No? I don't think he's all fixed," Lucas said pointing at Donnie, "If that was Violet, you know you'd fix her."
"Sit down, Lucas," Cory said.
"Oh, you know I'm right," Lucas said frowning in his seat laying his head on his desk. I ran my hands through his hair trying to calm him down.
"Iceland and Greenland. What do you think about them, Mr. Barnes?"
"When I look like this, I don't have to think, right, Lucas?" Farkle asked.
"Dude, he won the scholar athlete award," I said.
"Ooh, nerd alert!"
"Iceland and Greenland, anybody?" Cory asked.
"Iceland is a land of ice. Wrong. Then Greenland is a land of green." Maya answered.
"Wrong," Cory said taking a seat at his desk.
"Then who cares? Stupid countries don't even know who they are. Stupid countries," Riley muttered.
"The vikings discovered this beautiful green country. So, the vikings, they didn't want anyone else taking their new country, so they decided to name it Iceland. Everyone figures it must be cold. Nobody wants to go there," I explained.
"Perfect Violet," Cory told me.
"So they made everybody think of it in that way even though it wasn't true?" Liam asked.
"That's right. Then another viking comes along, Erik the red, and he discovers a land of snow and ice. And he wants everyone to go there instead, so he names that Greenland, and everyone goes there," Cory finished the story of Iceland and Greenland.
"The jerks!" Maya said.
"So you're saying the perception of a thing doesn't make it so?" Lucas asked.
"I'm saying people are always gonna say stuff. How you react to what they say is what makes you the person you are."
"So don't react?" I asked.
"That's right. Just keep on smiling," Cory said. "Lesson over. And nothing anybody else says is ever going to make any of us feel any different," I declared.
"Hey, Maya, Lucas, congratulations on winning favorite couple," a random girl said passing by.
"What?" I said looking at Maya and Lucas.
"She feels different" Riley whispered.
"How is that possible?" I asked.
"How could anybody ever see me and Lucas as a couple?" Maya asked.
"Everybody does," the girl shrugged.
"But Violet and I are so much alike," Lucas said confused.
"And you guys are so different," the girl said looking between Maya and Lucas.
"But we're like a summer rain," Lucas said holding up our hands.
"And you two are like fire."
"Uncle Cory, remember when you told me not to react?" I said not looking up from the floor.
"Yes," he said looking at me sadly.
"I'm gonna react," I said leaving the classroom.

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