Girl Meets Flaws

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"Graduation and awards night is coming up. I am very proud of this class. Several of you will be recognized for your achievements throughout the year." Cory said sitting in front of the class.

"Awards are a scam!" Maya exclaimed.

"Girls like us never had a chance, Matthews. Never had a chance." I joined in and we both looked to Riley expectantly.

"All right, I'll do it, but it's ridiculous," Riley sighed, "It's a scam, Matthews! They never had a chance!"

Cory just shook his head, "Maya will be receiving the griff Hawkins totally cool award."

We all clapped.

"Maya, you just found out you won the totally cool award, yet you just sit there?" Riley questioned, "Oh, you're being cool. Why don't you rub off on me?"

"Violet, you won most likely to get away with anything." Cory said to me, "Violet and Lucas also won cutest couple," he mumbled annoyed, "Liam and Violet won best couple there never was."

"Great." I said annoyed and Liam winked at me.

"And our two finalists for the scholar athlete award are... Lucas Friar and Billy Ross."

" I hope you're ready for some competition, dude," Billy said turning to my boyfriend.

"Oh, well, you know how I hate competition." Lucas said. They both laughed.

"Hey, golden boys, you wanna hop down from your cloud of awesomeness? You're making us normals feel bad." Maya said sarcastically.

"Yeah. Right after our handshake of awesomeness." Billy said and I rolled my eyes, I didn't really like him.

They did their handshake and i sighed and said, "Every day, I see this everyday."

"Girls should have their own handshake of awesomeness." Riley said.

"What would it be?" Maya asked.

We all flipped our hair, "Stop it."

"Farkle, you are being awarded the Joseph T.R. Epstein confidence award. Congratulations." Cory continued reading off of the list, "Farkle?" he asked looking for the boy.

Farkle's voice came from a machine on his desk, "Farkle can't come to his desk right now. If you have a question for Farkle, say, "one;" a comment, say, "two;" billing questions, "three.""

"One. Where are you?" Cory said leaning over the machine.

You have selected three." The machine said.

"No, I said, "one."" Cory said annoyed.

"Sorry, we are experiencing unusually high call volume. Your call will be answered in approximately...35... Minutes." the machine responded as it started to play music.

"Representative!" Cory shouted.

"What is this? Farkle's never missed a class in his life." I said as the bell signaling class was over rang.

Riley went up to Cory and tapped his shoulder, "Yes?"

"Everybody's getting an award but me. Violet won three. What good is having you as my teacher if the fix ain't in?!" She yelled at her father.

"I'm sorry, Riley." He said turning to me and Maya for help.

"Riley, you don't need a trophy to make you feel good about yourself." I said pulling her in for a hug.

"Yes, I do. Sometimes I feel kind of invisible." She admitted.

"Sometimes you want to be invisible, Riley, believe me." Farkle's voice came from the small machine.

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