Girl Meets 1961 pt 1.

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~Violet Present~
"The '60s, man." Cory started as we were sitting in our desks "Influential musicians like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez... Playing guitars and singing like prophets. The times, they were a-changin'."
There was a loud thud as someone's head hit the desk.
"The class, they are a-sleepin'." Maya made a joke and I laughed.
"It's not your fault, Cory. It's just the stuff you're saying." I shrugged poking Lucas' beautiful sleeping face..
"I'm talking about the '60s, man." Cory said upset.
"Nobody cares about when you were our age." Riley threw in sincerely thinking her father was alive in the 60s.
"Riley, it was over 50 years ago. How old do you guys think I am?" Cory asked in disbelief.
"There's no right answer to this, sir." Farkle said not bothering to raise his hand.
"You should teach us future class," Maya suggested.
"Listen, Cory, you're doing a wonderful job up there and we're very happy that you're all jazzed up... But history has nothing to do with us." I said getting up and patting his shoulder and then taking a seat on top of Lucas' desk where the now awake boy wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm gonna snap this chalk now." Cory said in frustration.
"Uh-oh." Riley said.
"Snap." I said when the poor chalk was broken into two small pieces.
"What did you guys do yesterday?" Cory asked us trying to prove a point.
"I think I had grapes." I answered.
"Do you know what yesterday was?" Cory asked another question.
"Grapes day." Riley said tiridly.
"It's history, just like this,"Cory said sending Lucas a death stare as he pulled me off of his desk and put me back into my seat and then continuing, "Every decision you make every day, every time you decide to turn left instead of right, you make history and you affect someone else's. And if you refuse to learn that, I guarantee you, you guys will not become the best person you can be. Because history is all about missed opportunities. History has nothing to do with us, wasn't it, Ms. Avery?"
"Can't remember, it was like five minutes ago." I  said lifting my head from her desk.
"Fine. I am not gonna teach you guys about the '60s." Cory said sitting behind his desk.
"Yay." The class cheered.
"Theres a catch, theres always a catch," I said sighing.
"You are." Cory said and everyone groaned.
"Told you." I said flatly.
"Yay." Farkle said clapping.
"History is alive even if you weren't. But now you're gonna be. You will visit the 1960s and give a report. Travel time."
"How do we do that, Dad?" Riley asked.
"We weren't there." I added.
"You were." He promised.
"How?" Maya asked.
You all have grandparents or great-grandparents. Choose one who was around during that time. Learn all you can about them and report back. Then we'll see if history has nothing to do with us. Living history... Now I'm all jazzed up."

~Nora, 1961~
"You're some new faces." A man came up to my best friend, Rosie, and I.
"So are you, but everything's new to me... the people, the places, the whole happening scene, man." Rosie responded to the man.
"First time you ever said that, isn't it?" The man asked us.
" She practiced the whole way here." I joined the conversation.
"Let me get a vibe. I dig you immedia-tois." The guy said sensing our vibe.
"What does that mean?" I asked taking a seat at one of the empty tables.
"I don't know. I made it up." The man shrugged pulling out a chair for Rosie.
"Well, here's what I want you to make up for us: Two hot chocolates with extra whipped cream," I crossed my legs smiling politely.
"Because I'm dangerous." Rosie said smiling dorkily.
"You got a name, dangerous?"
"Rosie. Rosie McGee." She shook his hand.
"And hers?"
"Nora, Nora Evans" I answered, "and yous?"
"Ginsburg. Nice to meet you, Nora." He snapped a picture of Rosie and I.
"What's the picture for?" Rosie asked curiously.
"For the moment we first met. I'll get your hot chocolates, McGee and Evans." He said.
"I know this is weird, but have we met before?" I asked incrediously.
"Haven't we all?" he responded before walking away.

"Welcome, to Cafe Hey, pronounced, "hehhh."" Ginsberg said at the microphone.
"Hehhh." Everyone in the cafe resonded.
"You're getting better at that." he said before a guy with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes stepped onto stage, "This is Edwin Micheals, he is our first preformer of the night.
"Tonight's gonna be legendary, man. Let's just see what flows." His eyes connected with mine and he snapped and the bass tone began. "Black. White. Green. Tan. No one listen to the man. Freedom is the only plan. Free to be who you am. Can't you see? That you... are... me. Karma."
Everyone was snapping and I took a sip of my hot chocolate going back to my journal.
"Whatcha writing?" Edwin came over to the chair and sat next to me.
"Oh! Just... observations. You know, thoughts about the people she meets." Rosie explained while I continued writing.
"These are deep, man." Ginsberg said reading Rosie's journal. "You're one deep chick.
"Chick? Down here I'm a chick." She said excitedly pulling my arm.
I sighed at her when Edwin began to talk to me again. "Why'd you come here tonight, Nora?"
"We came to make some new friends." I said closing my journal.
"You see, there's two tables over there: The one the left, Bob and Joan; table on the right, a blonde girl all alone." Edwin said pointing between the two tables.
"She's new around here, too. Go left or right. What to do?" Ginsberg added before both men walked away.

"You are really interesting looking. Are you as interesting as you look?" Rosie asked the girl when we got to the table and I sighed.
"Sure, are you as weird as you talk?" The girl asked raising an eyebrow and looking up.
"Oh my gosh. Yeah, man. I am the weirdest cat there is." Rosie said.
"Oh yeah you gotta watch out for this one," I said sarcastically.
"Really? 'Cause you seem like a nice, normal girl to me." The girl said. I was starting to really like this girl, I sat next to her.
"You figured me out in five seconds and you've hurt me. How did she do that?" Rosie turned to me and asked me.
"Don't know maybe you're just an open book." I shrugged.
"How can I make that up to you?" The blonde girl asked Rosie.
"Could we be friends? I would be a very good friend to you." Rosie promised.
"Yeah, I could use a weird friend." the girl smiled at me and Rosie."
"Then you should pick..." Rosie moved her fingers around and then both pointed to her.
"Oh, look they both landed on you." I said and the blonde girl laughed with me.

~Violet Present~
"All right, status report." Cory said and Lucas and I got up and went to the front of the class with Riley following us.
"I got a guitar that belonged to my great-grandmother Rosie," Riles started
"and I got a very weird journal from my great-grandmother" I said showing the class the journal.
"My Dad is sending something about my great-grandfather. We don't talk about him much. His name was Merlin." Lucas explained.
"Merlin? Was he a wizard? Hah!" Farkle said trying to make fun of Lucas' grandfather's name.
"Okay, Farkle Minkus. What was your great-grandfather's name?" I asked defending Lucas.
"Ginsburg." He said as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
"You make no sense to me whatsoever." Lucas said as there was a knock on the door. Lucas went to answer the door and a boy with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes walked in.
"Can I help you?" Cory asked standing up from his desk.
"Hi, I'm a new student, my name is Liam, Liam Michaels." He said.
"Hi I'm Violet," I said shaking his hand and sending him a smile.
"And I'm Lucas," Lucas said coming over and putting an arm around me.
"And I'm Mr. Matthews," Cory said wedging himself in between Lucas and I. We went back to our seats and Liam was given the seat behind Riley.
"Nice to meet you Violet," he winked at me.
"You too" I smiled and saw Lucas tense up.

A/N: I hope you guys like it! I really like where this chapter is going. Let me know what you think!

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