Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels

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"I apologized!" I screamed at my best friend.
" I don't care!" Maya said.
"She apologized like 50 times, Maya" Riley butted in.
"You don't do that to me."
I rolled my eyes at how dramatic she was being, "How many times are you gonna make me say I'm sorry?"
"Are you actually sorry?" Maya asked.
"No! Not even a little bit" I said raising my eyebrows at her.
"Fine, you don't want to sit by me?" She said as Riley and I sat on my bed.
"I will not stink up the integrity of our bay window with this ridiculous argument," Riley said remaining on my side.
"You come here and stink it up right now," she demanded.
"You're not the boss of me Maya." I said.
"You stood up for Lucas and not me!" She accused me before pointing at Riley, "and you didn't say anything."
"I'm not standing up for him," I defended myself. "You didn't disagree with him," she said staring out the window.

"Well, when you really think about it, he wasn't wrong," I said exasperated while we continued our fight by my locker the next day.
"Who cares?" She said.
"Oh, right and wrong don't matter now?" Riley asked.
"The only thing that matters is you and me. When have I ever not stood up for you?" She asked us. "When We're wrong!" Riley offered.
"Violet's always wrong!" I gasped glaring at her.
"Or you're always right. Who cares? I don't listen, I just stick up for you automatically," she said and I rolled my eyes.
"Ooh, chick fight! Chick fight right here, ladies and gentlemen. One dollar to see the shocker by the lockers." Zay announced pointing at the three of us.
"I'm not gonna be the cause of this," Lucas stood up and came and stood by me.
"Too late, huckleberry," Maya said.
"You know why it happened, Maya? All you do is call me names. I finally struck back once," Lucas said grabbing my hand.
Maya glared at our joined hands, "This has nothing to do with you, who I will deal with later." She wedged herself in between us, "This happened because she stuck up for you."
"I didn't stick up for him," I said yet again.
"You didn't disagree with him," she said glaring at me.
"How could she disagree with him, he's right" Farkle joined in.
"He is right, you know," Riley tried to reason.
"Why are you so intent on being mad at me?" I asked.
"Why does that mean so much to everybody? When being right is more important than being friends... Then that's the end of being friends," Maya said looking directly at me and walking into class as the bell rings.
I stood there trying to hide how upset I was about our fight. Lucas put his hand on the small of my back and led us into the classroom.
Farkle went up to the board and erased 'Belgium 1831', "Yeah, no chance."
"Is this still going on? Look at 'em!" Cory asked taking in the way Riley and I were glaring at Maya. "I'm moving my seat," Maya announced walking around to find a seat.
"Yeah, you just do that," I said not even looking at her.
"Mr. Friar?" Cory asked.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't take it anymore. I finally called her a name. She's called me a thousand names. I called her one name," Lucas said apologetically.
"Do not apologize. She can dish it but she can't take it." I said smiling pettily.
"Why didn't you disagree with him?" Maya asked Coming back to her seat.
"Maya, how can I disagree with what he said if what he said was true?" Riley answered but I didn't even bother to look at her.

Later that night I was studying in Riley and I's room when I heard her blow her panic whistle.
I ran to the front door followed by Cory and Topanga.
"Riley!" I yelled concerned 
"Why'd you blow the whistle?" Cory asked.
"Caveman!" She pointed at the door and I opened it.
"Honey, it's not a caveman. It's your Uncle Eric," Cory explained.
I looked at him and then at Topanga, "Okay, it's a caveman."
"Sweeties, remember about your Uncle Eric, same rules we told you at the zoo. Don't stand too close, don't feed him, and whatever you do, do not call him Koko." Topanga told us, "Okay, girls. Here we go."
"Hey, Eric," Topanga said hugging him.
"Pangers! You're still here?" He asked jokingly. "Hey," I said not sure if he remembered me.
"Hello, niche Violet and niche Riley," Eric said hugging us both.
"Uncle Eric!" Auggie yelled running into the living room.
"Oh! Oh! It's cousin Auggie!" Eric said hugging the little boy, "Hey! How you doin', buddy?"
"Uncle Eric, how come you look like this?" Auggie asked the question we'd all been wondering.
"Because they elected him mayor," Cory explained.
"Who would do that?" I asked.
"The good people of Stupidtown," Topanga said. "It's not pronounced Stupidtown!" Eric exclaimed. "How is it pronounced?" Riley asked.
"St. Upid Town."
"Oh. How St. Upid of her," I laughed at my own joke.
"I don't get it!" Eric said sadly.
"And you're the mayor of St. Upid Town?" Riley clarified.
"Yes! I was elected in a landslide. See, after the landslide, everybody that wasn't killed voted for me. It's a lovely little village right on the border of New York and France," Eric explained.
"New York doesn't even border France. It borders Canada," I said.
"Well, then why do they speak French? Why don't they speak Canadahoo?" Eric asked.
"It's quebec," I said.
"The jeopardy guy?"
"No." Topanga answered.
"Who is the jeopardy guy?"
"No," Topanga said getting frustrated.
"You have a stupid name," Eric laughed at her.
"No, see I look like this because they look like this. When they elected me mayor of them, I wanted them to know that I was one of them. I mean, people go nuts for the way I look. Do people go nuts for the way you look?" Eric asked me.
"I wore high-heels once. People have responded," I thought about the way Lucas' eyed my legs at the last school dance.
"You're too young. It takes away your vulnerability," Eric said scolding me.
"Well, we know that now," I said plopping myself on the couch.
"Anyhoo, I've been summoned. Why have I been brought to here?" He asked sitting next to me.
"Because Cory thinks when it comes to helping people, you somehow turn into a genius," Topanga said not bothering to hide her doubt.
"I'm in a fight with my best friend," I explained knowing it was my fight and not Riley's.
"There will be no losing friends. Lose one friend, lose all friends. Lose yourself," he said a distant look crossing his face.
"That's genius!" Auggie praised sitting himself on my lap.
"I told you. Have faith in him. They didn't elect you just because you look like that," Cory said
"No, they elected me because people trust me on their issues. I don't have to look like this. Everybody look at me!" Eric yelled tearing off his hair and beard, "Ow!"

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