Girl Meets Mothers

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I was sitting next to Lucas in art class at the table, next to Maya and Riley getting ready to draw a bowl of fruit when Farkle came into the room wearing a robe.

"Why draw fruit? Let's draw a real work of art." Farkle winked, handing the fruit to the teacher, "That's right, check out 48 pounds of nasty."

He untied his robe and instantly Maya and Riley covered their eyes and Lucas covered mine as we all said, "No!"

He threw off his robe and the teacher chucked, "Well! Looky here the male...physique."

Lucas uncovered my eyes and I saw that Farkle was in red shorts and a tank top.

"Why thank you, art lady," Farkle winked at her.

"Why aren't we drawing Lucas?" I asked the teacher smiling in his direction.

The teacher came over to our desk and looked at Lucas, "Because nobody looks like that," she walked over to Farkle and put her hand on his shoulder, "Get used to this. Get used to this right now."

"I don't think Violet has to get used to that," Maya said smirking at me making me blush and Lucas chuckle.

"Anyway, when drawing a... Farkle, start with the eyes." The teacher ignored Maya's remark. It was weird being in a class where we didn't have Cory constantly teaching us life lessons. I would never admit it to anyone but history is by far my favorite class.

"I think the eyes should go straight to the gun show," Farkle tried to flex.

I glanced over at Maya's drawing, "Maya you're supposed to concentrate on the eyes," I said messing with her.

"See you know what my problem is? I don't listen." She shrugged at me and glanced at my drawing, "By the way you're drawing Lucas."

"Oh," I said nervously glancing at Lucas who smiled at my picture of him, "that's the first time, I've ever done that."

Maya flipped through my sketchbook looking at all of my drawing of Lucas, "Okay that's enough," I shut it quickly.

"Does she need help?" Riley asked. Both Maya and I nodded.

"All right, I know they are works in progress, but let's see where we are," The teacher started to walk around the room glancing at the art in front of everybody.

"Maybe we will become famous artists, we'll go to Paris, and drink coffee at an outdoor cafe in France," Riley sat on her desk pretending to drink a cup of coffee.

I drew a really quick sketch of her on a table in Paris, in front of the Eiffel Tower, saying she was in France.

"Fine," she let out a sigh, "Make fun of me, I am a serious artist who belongs in Paris. Bonjour Lucas."

"Bonjour Riley," he said to her politely and then added, "Bonjour Violet. Peut-être un jour, vous et je vais aller à Paris ensemble.(Maybe someday you and I will go to Paris together)." He said to me.

I sighed, "Je serais ravi d'aller à Paris avec vous (I would love to go to Paris with you.)"

"Oh my god," the teacher came over behind our desk.

"See I am an artist, I am finally something!" Riley exclaimed.


"What a life, I'm having." Riley said annoyed.

"Violet, my goodness, this is brilliant!" she picked up my drawing for everyone to see

"Farkle is in a bird's nest," Maya observed.

"It's a work of surrealism, Maya, it's how this artist's mind views the subject." the teacher explained.

"I'm a bird to you?" Farkle asked raising his eyebrows.

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