Chapter 4: You Know I Saw Our City Burn...

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Randy's POV:

The night was still young when we got back to the city, so I invited Y/N to go to the Game Hole or to Laser Tag. She agreed to Laser Tag and we headed that way. I still couldn't believe she had met a demon and destroyed it! She must be hard core. "How much money you got, RC?" she asked, shattering my thoughts. I looked in my pocket and saw ten dollars. "Ten," I said. Her eyes sparkled and smiled at me. "That'll give us about two turns," she said.
I sighed and suddenly felt like we were being watched. I turned my head and felt the cold start to seep in. "Who's there?" I called back. No answer.
"Everything ok, babe?" Y/N asked, concern lighting her voice. I looked back at her and she seemed a little shaken up.
"Yeah, e-everything's fine. Just... just felt like someone's watching us," I said. Y/N seemed to seize and she shuddered out a scared breath.
"You can feel that too?" She said. I felt the goosebumps rise higher and we started to walk faster. I heard something like footsteps. I glanced back and saw nothing. I swallowed down my fearful scream and walked faster, grabbing Y/N's arm. She gripped my hand back, fearful as well. Suddenly, something jumped in front of us. I couldn't hold back my scream and I just let it out. A roar thundered out of my throat as I looked into the beast's glowing, aqua eyes.
"Run!" I said, and Y/N split away from me, down an opposite alleyway from me.

Y/N's POV:

Run! Just keep running... It'll be ok! No it won't! I screamed in my mind. My feet pounded on the pavement down an unblocked alleyway. The huffing breath of the monster still rang in my ears. Or maybe it was my own. But I wasn't about to look back!
I searched in my pocket for the mask and found the slick black disguise. I stretched it over my face and let the bands of black flip over my clothes and I suddenly felt no fear. The monster wasn't there. Randy! I thought with horror. I jumped up on a window sill and jumped to the top of the building. A screech sounded and echoed down East Street, followed by a frightened, "Stay away, monster!"
"It's him," I said. I ran down the street and found the huge white beast lumbering over Randy. It looked like a polar bear with a lion's tail and a short silver mane. I looked over to my right and found a stone and lashed it out at the monster. "Hey!" I yelled before spiraling the stone towards the animal. The creature flashed towards me and caught the stone with it's long, black claws.
The animal howled and lumbering footsteps sounded from around me. These animals travel in packs... I remembered with a cold fear. The passage! Oh, god, no!
I ripped out my sword and looked around to see two other beast's that looked the exact same as the original, except for the color of their fur. A smaller one had light purple fur and the other had golden fur. "It's... heeeerrrrr...." the purple one hissed. I turned around to see the white animal lumbered forward, her breathe coming in white clouds. She came nose to nose to me, her eyes seeming angry, but steady at the same time.
"We'lllll beeeee backkkkkk..." she breathed. She gave a slight nod to the others and they jumped away. I let out the sigh of relief as I watched them scamper away. I turned my gaze back to Randy... who was balled up on the ground, holding his stomach in fear. He was still, as if he was dead. I raced over and picked up his limp head and tore off my mask. His breathing was shallow. I felt tears splash up against my eyelids. "R-Randy?" I whispered. No response. Just his breath in the darkness of the night. Silent tears fell from my eyes and onto his jacket.
I rubbed them away and sniffled a little. "Y-y-you're going to b-be ok, I promise," I shivered. I grabbed my phone I held in my pocket and dialed 911.

4 Days Later

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, holding my hands together. Howard was there too. He freaked out when I called and said Randy was going to the hospital. Randy had been knocked out, broke his arm and had a gash between his shoulders. I cried all last night and the night before. I visited the Pine's and they felt terrible. "If I could see him, I'm sure I could help him," Ford said. I shook the thought from my mind, trying to calm it down. I breathed in and out, listening to the ringing of telephones, the squeaking of wheels and the talking of people.
"You ok, girl?" Howard asked. I closed my eyes and shook my head, begging myself not to cry. I couldn't get to sleep or eat anything for the past few days and nights. I felt like I was gonna be sick. I had been this way for a while, so it was normal by now. "Hey... It's alright. He's gonna be fine! I promise. Cunningham might be a bit of a coward, but he's as tough as nails," Howard tried to comfort me with a smile. I sighed and let my head fall limply in sadness. Why hadn't I been there? 
"Y/N? Howard? You are now allowed to see the patient," a female doctor came out of the room that Randy had been in for four days. I was the first one up and in the room, Howard coming in behind me. I broke down into tears the moment I saw him under the sheets, unconscious. His head was bandaged up and he was still, just breathing under the white sheets. The quiet beeping was the only other thing that I could hear besides my sobbing.
I fell to my knees, covering my eyes with my hands, and didn't stop crying. I couldn't. Howard's hand landed lightly on my shaking shoulders and I looked up to see brown eyes lit with tears. I snuffled and got to my feet. I walked over and stared at Randy. He looked at peace. But I knew that he wasn't... I was sure of it.

Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja X Reader: Legend (under construction)Where stories live. Discover now