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Hey! Thank you to TheLlamacorn05 for tagging me! Can't wait to answer the questions.

1. Do you prefer Markiplier or Jacksepticeye?

TBH, Jacksepticeye. I haven't seen much of Markiplier, so I'll side with Jack.

2. Childhood Cartoon?

Oh, god! How can I choose just one? Hmmm... I have to go with Gravity Falls. I love RC9GN, but since Gravity Falls is ending soon...

3. If you were an animal, which one would you be?

A lioness. (LEO ZODIAC SIGNS!!)

4. Yandere or Tsundere?

I have no idea.

5. Favorite videogame.

Minecraft, all the way!

6. How do you imagine your boyfriend/girlfriend?

Ummm... As tall as I am, or a little taller. Dark hair (no specific color), and probably brown or greenish blue eyes. (I don't really know how to describe him anymore.)

7. Favorite sport?

Swim Team!!

8. How do you see yourself?

I believe that I see myself as nice, and a bit of a nerd. I can go with the popular ppl and I can hang with my crew who aren't too much of the popular ppl. I also think I'm a pretty good leader, emotionally and physically.

9. You're seeing yourself as a child, based on your actual life time, what advice would you tell you?

Keep your friends close to you. Take adventure. Surprise people. And write fanfictions. Cause what life wouldn't be complete with fanfictions!?

10. Why do you think you're alive? (Deep, bro.)

Well... TBH, I have thought about this question without being asked this ever. But I think that I'm alive to guide others away from the darkest path they could walk. I mean, not trying to be so absorbed, or anything... But really, I think it could be true. I really don't know other wise.

11. What time is it?

12:25 pm, February 5th, 2016

12. Favorite song?

Saturn- Sleeping at Last

13. Fire, earth, water, or air?



And Now, The Chosen Ones!














And Now, The Questions! YAY!

1. If you had the choice to live forever or die young, which would you choose?

2. Favorite instrument?

3. Favorite book? Wattpad or real?

4. If you could write a fanfiction about anything, what would it be?

5. What do you think your spirit animal is? And if you know it, what is it?

6. Orchestra or Band?

7. What would you do if you had only 24 hours left to live and you could do anything? (ANYTHING.)

8. Fire or ice?

9. Which would have been better for the Warriors Saga: Tigerstar never being born, or Snowfur dying?

10. What inspirational quote got you through a tough time in your life?

11. What's your Zodiac sign? (If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up.)

12. Favorite color? (Rainbow doesn't count.)

13. Describe yourself as one emotion, two characteristics, and what your passion is.



1. Post the rules after you answer your questions.

2. You have to tag 13 people after/before answering your questions.

3. Tag backs are allowed.

4. Answer questions, tag people, make up questions for the people you tagged. Easy, simple, and fun!

Thank you!


Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja X Reader: Legend (under construction)Where stories live. Discover now