Chapter 10: What The Blue?

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Randy's POV: 

WTJ!? Another Ninja? How many are there? Nomicon's saying comes back to me, "Great leaders inspire greatness in others." Then I remember the six other Ninja's that were in front of me. She must be one of them! I thought. "Need any help?" she yells down, flipping and jumping over and off the building's roof top. Showing off...
She landed right next to me and Snowbird, her icy blue eyes striking me. "Who the juice are you?" I ask. The monster in front of us looks confused, but goes in for another attack anyways. As it's claws come down to kill us, I reach back and grab my sword and slice off it's claws in one cut. "That'll buy us some time," I said quickly, placing my attention back on the new Ninja. 
"The names Blue. I've been waiting for a long time to meet you, Ninja," she says slyly. I blink at her many times, narrowing my eyes. 
"Prove it," Snowbird growls. "Help us defeat this stupid monster." Blue nods once and leaps into the air, higher than I've ever jumped. She came to eye level with the beast and said something that was muffled. And before I knew it, a beaming ball of white light flashed above us and Blue dropped and grabbed me and Snowbird by the hand and hid behind a rock. The monster stared at the light. I held Snowbird close, closing my eyes and waiting for the boom. And it happened. 
But after that, a strong gust of wind blows past us and bits of robot fly through the air. After a second, I can breathe again. Y/N, or Snowbird, looks up at me and I look up at Blue. She's standing on the rock deflecting big and heavy pieces from hitting us. After the blast, we stand up and look at the wreckage. It's pretty bad...  
"Alright, now let's get down to business," Blue says, jumping off the rock and putting her sword away. I blink at her, then at Snowbird. 
"Uh, what buis-" 
"Excuse me, but I wasn't talking to you, Snowy. Frankly, I'm not even sure why you are here. What's your purpose? Just to get in the ninja's way? Just to make more trouble for him? Come on! He's the hero here. Not us," Blue strikes. Snowbird looks her up and down, a fiery glare just waiting to explode flicker in her eyes. I don't particularly like conflict between Y/N and other girls, but I was so excited to see what she was gonna do. 
"And how would you be better?" she hissed back, stepping forward. I watched with wide eyes at Blue and Snowbird. 
"Did you not just see the power I had just destroyed that monster with? Are you blind? I could take your spot in a second. Trust me, you've outstayed your welcome here." Snowbird's chin dropped and I could imagine her mouth was open. Her eyes glared threateningly at her and was about to kill her when I stepped between them. 
"There's no way you can do that, Blue. I appreciate that you want to help, but you can't just send Snowbird away. And besides this, what business are we to speak of? Who sent you?" I asked. Blue nodded. 
"Do you have time now?" She asked. I glanced over at the school and saw that there was nothing that had happened to it. Shit. Ugh. We still have school, I thought with anger. 
"No. I... uhh... I..." I trailed off and looked at the ground, trying to think of a reasonable excuse. 
"That's fine. I'll meet you tonight. How about in the park, at midnight. Oh, and bring your pet with you," she said, referencing towards Snowbird. Snowbird walked forward strongly, ready to pound her into the ground. I struck out my arm, blocking her path and giving her a "don't do it" glance. She nodded, but the anger didn't leave her eyes. 
"Great! See you later, Ninja." Blue said, bowing before throwing a smoke bomb. I coughed and opened my eyes to see that she was gone. 
"That girl gives me bad vibes," Snowbird growls and she leaves me too. I stand there, bewildered. Then I smokebomb it out of there, and back into regular old Randy. 

In The Park, At Midnight

I leapt down from the arch in the park that was empty, and dark. Only a single street lamp was flooding a solitary corner of the park. I sighed in and out and walked under the arch. Tall, dark gray trees watched me quietly as I walked through the shadows. I swallowed a breathe down that almost came out in a terrified sigh. 
"Ninja?" A hand grabbed my shoulder and I nearly jumped out of my suit. "What the juice!?" I yelled before realizing it was Snowbird. A playful laughing look in her eyes lit up and a small laugh was pushed out. "Scared much?" I rolled my eyes at her and narrowed my eyes at her, but I couldn't help lifting a smile that was hidden in the darkness of night and in my mask.
"Unexpected." Another voice said. I whipped around, not seeing anyone. I unsheathed my sword ready to kick who ever's butt. That is, until I found out it was Blue. "I hadn't expected you to show up tonight, Ninja. But what ever. There's something I think may be of importance to you. There is a prophecy of eight Ninja, each having their own special powers. They are all to be lead by the Red Ninja, which would be you in this case-" 
"Wait, how do you know that I'm the only Red Ninja?" 
"I've seen and met the others... except you're helper, Snowbird, here." Snowbird stamped her foot on the ground and clenched her hands into fists, but said no words. Blue continued, "You are the leader, the one that is the first Ninja that was prophesied and the first that will come face to face with the evil inside the very heart of-" I held up my hand, and started laughing. She glared at me in bewilderment and crossed her arms. 
"What is so funny?" she asked angrily. Snowbird doubled over, holding her stomach and I could see tears rolling down her face. 
"I... I understand that Ninja Boy here is the leader, but-" she broke into laughter again before continuing-"but he's already faced the Sorcerer and defeated him and evil Julian... Come on. There is no evil here in this one shot town." She placed a hand on her hip and stared at Blue. Don't get cocky, babe, I think. 
"Well, it's true. Besides me, there are five other's out there. And they are all coming to see you and help you defeat the unknown evil that lurks in this 'one-shot town'." she said, glaring at Y/N. And with that, she quietly smokebombed away, vanishing into nothing. 
"I seriously don't trust her," Snowbird said. I turned to her, a steady storm starting to swirl. 
"Well, we have no choice. She has answers about the other five that are supposedly coming," I said, trying to reason. 
"But what if it's a trap! I'm your protector. I'm not letting you go into a fight without me there. And you are not meeting them without me either." 
"Why? Cause of Shira? I've already met her. I know you are my protector, and I respect that. But you have to let me take on somethings for my self. I know you are just trying to do your job, but I don't need a hero... I need a partner. I need a friend," I said. I looked into the masked silver eyes that betrayed Y/N's original color of eyes. I saw hurt and anger and, surprisingly, love in those eyes. I sighed and held up my hand, looking at the ground. 
"Smokebomb..." And I was gone.

Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja X Reader: Legend (under construction)Where stories live. Discover now