Chapter 1

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A/n: HELLOO! This is the sequel to my Zayn Malik fanfic, Changes! If you have yet to read that, you'll be very confused reading this one. So please read that if you haven't already. :) I hope you guys like it!

And to answer some questions I've gotten, NO THERE WILL NOT BE ANY CHEATING DRAMA.

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Twitter: noellexa

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Eve's POV

"We're home, babe!" I heard a familiar voice call out into the house from the front door. A second later, I heard two different pairs of feet making footsteps that seemed to get louder each time they hit the ground. I turned from my suitcase and saw my two favorite men in front of me.

"Mummy!" My four year old son Aiden ran into my legs and wrapped his arms around them in a hug. Smiling, I picked him up and spun him around in my arms.

"I missed you baby." I cooed. "Give mummy a kiss?" I puckered my lips and felt my heart swell up when he gave me a little kiss on my lips. I absolutely loved how we could say 'Mmmuah' as he did it.

I remembered the first time he gave me a kiss so clearly. It was when he was about two and a half. I had been holding him, and out of the blue he gave me a kiss.

"Where did you learn that?" I had chuckled.

"Daddy." He had pointed to Zayn who was sitting right next to me.

"Daddy, huh?" I looked over at Zayn and smirked.

Zayn shrugged. "I guess he sees me kiss you all the time, and he's picked up on it."

I smoothed Aiden's stray hairs out and grinned. It was incredible how much he was growing and taking information in so quickly.

"I guess we can share, little man, but only because you're special." Zayn had said.

"How was the swimming lesson?" I put Aiden down and made my way over to Zayn.

"He did great. He's quite fast for his age." My boyfriend of four years informed me before giving me a kiss as well.

"I'm not surprised seeing as his mum is practically a professional swimmer." I replied in a posh accent.

"That's funny, because last time I checked, his mum is a worse swimmer than me." Zayn retorted.

"But you can't even swim." I frowned.

"Exactly." He smiled and scooped Aiden back up, addressing him. "Did you tell her what you saw today?"

"No he didn't." I raised my eyebrows.

"Go on then." Zayn encouraged him.

"Samantha's mum had a big belly. Daddy said there's a baby inside." Aiden explained hurriedly. He was so cute and observational, something that could be a blessing and a curse.

Zayn continued for him. "So when I told him that Samantha is going to have a baby brother or sister, he said that he wanted one too."

I raised my eyebrows at the small child that had been in my stomach just about five years ago, back when I was so young and unprepared for what life had to throw at me. He wanted a little brother or sister?

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