Chapter 6

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A/n: Hello everyone, thank you for the lovely comments on the last chapter. This one isn't as exciting but I hope you like it anyway. I've been slacking with my updates, sorry! If it helps, I've been doing it with everything, not just Wattpad. I guess I'm just kind of drained and unmotivated at the moment since things aren't really going well at the moment.

Random fact: I pretend to be allergic to asparagus because I hate it so much and would go great lengths to avoid eating it.

Comment random facts about yourselves! :)

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Eve's POV

That really just happened. I'm officially engaged to Zayn Malik and I have a beautiful ring on my finger to prove it. It isn't too flashy and extravagant, which I love. It's vintage and meaningful and I want to cry every time I admire it.

I continued to sob whilst hugging and kissing Zayn who had also shed tears of his own. No words had been exchanged yet. I didn't even know where to start.

But I guess that was just one of the reasons Aiden was present.

"Mummy! Are you a wife now?" Aiden's question caused me to disconnect my lips from Zayn look down to see Aiden's innocent face peering up at me.

"Not yet baby. I will be soon." I had so many questions that hadn't been asked or answered. "Aid, why don't you go play in the grass where I can see you for a bit? Does that sound like fun?"

My son nodded his head before running around with his arms straight out, imitating an airplane.

"Zayn-" I started but was immediately cut off.

"I know you're confused so let me explain."

"Everyone else got dropped off in town and I drove the bus here this morning. I made those videos because I knew I would want to marry you one day. I've always known. I had Caroline get me a tuxedo to fit Aiden a few weeks ago, and when I asked him to help me out he was more than excited. And you look cute in your pajamas."

I let out a breath. "I see. Oh, and you look extra fit in that tux." Playing with the collar, I ran a finger all the way down his jacket.

"We're getting married." He whispered.

"I can't believe it."

"When I called my mum and dad, they tried to plan it all in one sentence." Zayn chuckled at the memory. I could definitely imagine that happening.

"Let's sit down." I suggested, motioning to the soft grass on the ground. As we sat together, Aiden zoomed around not far from us.

Ten minutes later, we began discussing exactly what kind of wedding we wanted. The whole thing felt surreal to me.

"Small with close friends and family only or big with everyone we know or are acquainted with?" Zayn prompted.

I made a face, hoping he would agree with me. "I would prefer something small and private. Maybe on a beach or in a garden."

"I'm glad you said that. Though I'm not sure I would like the beach so much." He agreed.

"So my bridesmaids could be Danielle, Eleanor, Rita, Ruth and Nicola." I thought out loud. "I'd love Doniya and Waliyha to be my bridesmaids as well."

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