Chapter 4

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A/n: I wanted to update now since I'm having a birthday party in a few days so I'm going to be really busy! Sorry about the shortness but the next chapter will be long and exciting!

Random Question: Are any of you Seventh-Day Adventist? Because I am. Woo.

Thank you for the support and love, everyone!

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Zayn's POV

The day of the concert was mad. We had been mobbed by fans and paparazzi while entering the venue which was still flattering but aggravating.

After sound check and getting dressed and styled, I was ready to go and Lou was using some hair gel on Aiden to make it a bit spiky. Eve talked to Lou while Harry played with Lux on the other side of the room. It was almost as if nothing had really changed from four years ago. We'd grown, yeah, but the boys and I stayed the same.

"Mummy, can daddy sing now?" I heard Aiden ask.

"In a little while. Okay?" Her voice soothed him as she traced his forehead with her fingers. It was unbelievable how amazing she was at being a mum. I loved being a dad as well, but there's nothing even close to a mother's love for her child.

A member of the crew came in to tell us that our opening act was just starting their set and that we would be on soon. Of course, Aiden didn't want to go out and watch until we were on the stage.

"Hey bad boy." Eve appeared in front of me with a cute smile on her face. Her delicate hands tugged on the collar of my leather jacket and brought me closer to her. I brought my lips close enough that we weren't quite in a kiss and gently took her bottom lip between my teeth. That was one of the things that Eve loved.

Finally, our lips met and molded together. I grinned into the kiss as I felt Aiden tug on my jeans, interrupting our moment. I pulled away quickly and shot Eve an apologetic look.

"Daddy stop!" Aiden cried out.

"What's wrong?" I bent down so we were at eye level, Eve following my actions.

"Only I can kiss mummy." He proclaimed and rushed into Eve's open arms.

"Baby..." Eve smiled. "I'm afraid you've got to share me. We don't want daddy to go without any kisses, do we?"

Aiden shook his head no.

"Then do you think you could let daddy have some of my kisses too?" She asked with a smug grin on her face.

With a huff, Aiden agreed and I chuckled at him. "Thanks little man."

"Now give me a kiss." Eve demanded, puckering her lips for our son. Aiden gave her a kiss followed by a hug. "I love you."

"So do I." I told him.

"And I love you too, Zayn." Eve smiled, pinching my cheek.

"I love you daddy." Aiden added.

"Oh I love you, Aiden." Lou scooped Aiden up from behind which caused his giggle fit.

"We all love you, Lou. And Lux." Eve said.

"I love you." Lux piped in from her spot with Harry.

Harry flashed his famous smile and said. "I love you Lux."

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