Chapter 8

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A/n: The best song ever music video was hilarious! Marcel and Leeroy had me rolling around laughing. Why the hell is Zayn prettier than me? Or should I say Veronica.. 'One direction are here to see you' like stop being gorgeous. Liam stay right where you are because you are per-fect! Lol I love them. They all did a great job at acting too!

Has anyone been to a One Direction concert recently and sat in a section in the way back? How was it? Could you see and hear? I'm going August 4 but my seats are all the way in the back, probably the last few rows. I'm just wondering how it'll be.


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Eve's POV

The next three weeks were absolutely insane. As soon as the news of our engagement had spread, the groups of paparazzi increased dramatically. And every camera was directed at Zayn, Aiden and I. It broke my heart the way Aiden would cling onto Zayn's shirt as he carried him to wherever we were going. The security team had to call four more men in to be on duty during the tour.

Every week there were headlines with our names on it claiming that I was a bridezilla, or that we were already getting divorce lawyers or something to that ridiculous extent.

You would think Prince Harry was engaged or something, but it was just Zayn and I. Two normal people who had no interest in divorce or trillion dollar wedding budgets.

Saying that I was glad to be done with the tour would be an understatement. It was an enormous relief to be able to be in London again with Zayn, Aiden, Alfie, and the comfort of our home. Zayn had some time off which gave us an opportunity to relax and start making basic decisions about getting married.

One more perk of being at home was the fact that Aiden could play with Rita's daughter Alice. They were adorable together, playing house and hide and go seek all the time. Rita offered to watch them at her house to give Zayn and I some time together. We spent the whole afternoon just laying together in our bed having different conversations, tickle fights, sharing kisses, and everything in between.

"So my mum called and said that she found a garden that would be perfect for a small wedding. It's secluded but civilised enough at the same time. What do you think?" Zayn asked as he showed me the picture of the garden on his phone. In front of my eyes was a green garden filled with flowers, a beautiful arch that was covered with vines, drapes for shade, and a fountain in the background.

"It's- it's perfect." I blinked in shock.

Trisha had been texting us pictures of different venues for the wedding for weeks but there was always some sort of deal breaker like too public, not wedding appropriate enough, not the right size, but this was perfect.

A big smile graced Zayn's face as he began to text his mum back telling her to book it for May.

We had also decided that the wedding would be sometime in May, which wasn't too far away considering it was August. We had less than a year to plan a small wedding. That sounded like more than enough time to me.

"You're going to be the most beautiful bride in the world." Zayn smiled, brushing his fingers softly down my cheek, trailing his hand down my neck and continuing until he reached my lower back.

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