Chapter 10

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A/n: Hello everyone! The concert was amazing even though the boys looked like little dots, Zayn sang like an angel. I cried as soon as I saw him for like fifteen minutes straight!

I did an interview with @totallydirection you guys! So go read it on her profile. I sent out a message with the link too. And if you go on my profile under dedications you can find it there as well.

I want to say thanks to all of you for your kind words after I shared what's been going on with me lately. The support really means a lot to me. <3


I want to do a Q&A with you guys! Ill answer anything you ask about the story, things to come, me, anything! Leave your question(s) in the comments and I'll answer them all!

Contact Me!

Instagram & Spapchat: lexanoelle

Twitter: noellexa

YouTube: In external link

Tumblr: quietgirlloudworld


Eve's POV

A month after the letter fiasco, Andrew was the last thing on anyone's mind. Danielle and Liam only had two months until their winter wedding, which meant lots of dress fittings and decisions to be made. In other words, Dani was going bonkers.

Zayn and I had decided to hold off on planning our own wedding until Liam and Danielle's wedding passed, just so we could focus on one at a time.

There were plenty of articles claiming that I wanted to steal Danielle's spotlight with my own engagement in tow which was utter bullshit of course, but I could hardly take Aiden to Tesco without him seeing pictures of his mum and Auntie Danielle in the tabloids. Good thing he couldn't read.

I was particularly uneasy about this wedding for only one reason, and that was the fact that I'd have to face family. Liam's mum and dad, our grandparents, cousins, and my parents. When I asked Liam not to invite them he told me there was no way getting around it. I hadn't seem my mum and dad in such a long time and I didn't exactly want to introduce Aiden to his second set of grandparents that he didn't know he had.

"Are you still thinking about your mum and dad?" Zayn's voice made me flinch. I hadn't noticed him next to me. I guess I'd been staring out into space while washing the dishes. I sighed and put down the dish I'd washed about ten times.

Considering the fact that it was late at night and Aiden was already fast asleep, I felt no obligation to hold my swearing in as I muttered several colorful words under my breath.

"I don't want to see them. I don't want Aiden to see them. I don't want you to see them. I want them to stay out of my life like they've been doing for the past five years." I groaned and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe this will be a good thing." He rested his hands on my lower back.

"It won't."

"You don't know that, Eve. If you don't want them to speak to Aiden, confront them as soon as you see them and demand that they stay away. Aiden won't know who they are. It'll be fine as long as you have me." Zayn said.

"Why haven't they been banished from the family yet?" I groaned again.

Zayn's chuckle spread to his shoulders, making them shake and bump my head a bit. "It's hard to take you seriously when you're so cute." My frown turned upside down when he said that just because I knew that he meant every single word he said.

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