Chapter 26

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Eve's POV

Liam paid me a visit pretty soon after Zayn let me know he was going to call him. When he walked in, I could tell he was absolutely gutted. He had those same puffy eyes when he came to pick me up that night I moved out of my parents' house. He didn't say anything when he walked in, mostly because I started to cry when I saw him. He just got in bed with me and held me while we both had a good cry. What else can you do when you're grieving? How else are you supposed to get over it?

The only words I remember him saying to me were, "I'm so sorry."

I didn't know if he was saying sorry for our loss, or because I would have to watch Danielle go through a beautiful pregancy without me, or for both, but none of it was his fault. He didn't have to apologize for anything. In fact, nobody was at fault here except for maybe the universe and all of its tradgedies.

And then Aiden came in, a flower and a card in his hands. I watched Liam slowly dissapear from the room, giving us privacy.

"Hello Mummy." Aiden whispered to me as if I were so sensitive that you had to keep quiet around me. He wasn't smiling, in fact he looked quite upset. He handed me the flower quickly so he could wipe off the excess water that came along with it on his trousers.

"I made you a card." He whispered again, handing me a folded piece of paper that had been colored on with crayons and decorated with stickers that said 'get well soon'. When I gave Aiden a closer look, I could see that his eyes were slightly red and puffy which meant he had been crying too. It absolutely broke my heart to know that he was upset, but I was relieved that I wouldn't have to break the news to him. A woman can only handle so much in one day.

"Thank you honey." I did my best to smile but it must have come out more like a frown. It didn't feel like a smile. Not in the slightest. "Come lay down with me." I offered him a hand so he could climb up the bed and crawl in next to me.

I took a look at his lovely card as we laid there in silence. I could tell Aiden was tired because his breathing slowed down and he rested his head on my shoulder. The card said 'I'm sorry mummy' spelled 'Im sory mumee' which made it even cuter.

He colored a heart and a picture of the family, including Amelia. Of course that set my tears off enough to wake Aiden up fully. He didn't ask me what was wrong, he just gave me a hug. And I accepted it because I knew it was what I needed.

Zayn's POV

Somehow word got out about the misscarriage. I don't know how or who did it, but someone sold the story to the tabloids. That meant our privacy was gone, but it also meant that paparazzi were gathered outside and trying to get in before the security was called.

I may have signed up for fame with the lads, but Eve didn't. Eve did not ask for the attention of people all over the world and she has no reason to have to deal with it, especially now. Not at a time like this. It pissed me off, really. I wanted to go out there and punch every single one of the people that made this misscarriage even more difficult for my wife and my kid.

"When are you going to leave for Bradford?" Liam asked as we sat in Eve's hospital room. She and Aiden had been in bed all day just laying there.

"Tomorrow she'll be released but we'll have to figure out a way to do it in privacy." I replied.

"I can have the lads come and distract the paps while you lot get in the car and leave in the parking garage underground. I think that's what Kim Kardashian did."

I gave him a funny look.

1. Because I'm pretty sure he made that up.

2. Because I didn't give a flying fuck about Kim Kardashian.

"Do you think it'll work?" Eve asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "But what other options do we have other than being harassed and followed all the way to my folks' house?"

"Did you just say your folks?'" Liam cracked a smile but I glared right back at him.

"Anyway, if it's all we've got we might as well try. Liam will pack us some clothes and bring our bags before we leave." I said.

"No problem."

"How long will we be gone?" Eve asked.

"As long as you need, baby." My voice softened as I locked eyes with her. She looked so weak and stricken with sadness that it made me want to love her twice as much.

"What about a funeral?" She asked quietly. So quietly that I almost didn't catch what she said.

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I didn't even think about anything about the death or our child as far as funerals and burials and legal papers. It wasn't something I was opting to get over with either.

"We can have one when you get back. How does that sound?" Liam suggested.

Eve nodded, biting her lip to prevent herself from crying.

"You should get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day." I told her.

"I don't want to see anyone. I don't want to see any faces." She said. "I don't want to see that look of pity all over the place. Everyone knows what happened. Everyone will give me that look everywhere I go."

I wanted to reassure her, but what could I say? She was right. That look would be implimented in our brains until the world forgot what happened to us.

A/N: So sorry for the long wait yet again. And sorry that it's so short but I felt like I needed to update for you guys! As most of you know my boyfriend and I already broke up. I said I'd explain so here's the explanation.

Basically he left his facebook open on my phone and I looked through his messages which I know is bad but I felt compelled like something was telling me to look at them, so I did. When I looked, I was shocked at what I saw. I guess I should start by saying I don't approve of drugs AT ALL. They ruin people and they're not cool. He was talking about how he was doing cocaine, molly, shrooms, obviously weed, ketamine, and stuff I've never even heard of. It was awful. And on top of that, I saw a conversation he had with a guy from school saying I was 'so fucking hot' and saying that if I 'send any racy pics' to let him see them. And my ex said 'for sure bro' . BASCIALLY I was dating someone I wouldn't even want to be friends with. And he got back with his ex girlfriend who is crazy and gave me a really hard time during the time we dated right after we broke up. I'm talking a few days. So it's really hard for me right now.

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