Chapter 16

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Eve's POV

The wedding ceremony had me in tears. Seeing the man of my dreams in front of me with my son by our side to give us the rings warmed my heart. Zayn and I had just finished our vows and now the rings were being slid on our ringers.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Those words were all it took for our lips to crash into each other with nothing but love. The small congregation cheered for us as we kissed under the beautiful moss covered arch, sprinkles of flowers scattered around it.

That kiss sealed the deal for me, if I had any doubt about getting married to Zayn before it, it was completely and totally gone. Our lips molded together in a way that I'd never felt with anyone else.

Pulling away, I smiled at my new husband. His smile mirrored mine as he tugged my hand so we could start to walk down the aisle together as everyone began to go to the area where flowers would be thrown at us as we walked to our car.

The reception was next, and then Zayn and I would be off to go on our honeymoon while Aiden and Alfie stayed with Liam and Danielle for a week.

"Oh my God, we just got married." I gushed to Zayn.

"I know." He laughed, kissing my cheek. "Mrs. Malik."

Everyone left the area that the ceremony was being held which meant it was time for Zayn and I to go get flower petals thrown at us.

I took his hand. "Ready?"

"Ready Mrs. Malik." He replied.

As we started to walk, I asked, "Will I be referred to as Mrs. Malik for the rest of my life now? Not baby, or maybe Eve?"

"Just until I get used to the idea." He shrugged.

We were greeted by cheering friends and family, all tossing petals over our heads. In the crowd I saw Aiden holding his Auntie Dani's hand while he waved to me. Waving back, I also spotted Harry, his mum Ann, Simon Cowell, Rita, Lou, Tom, and Lux, and lots of Zayn's family members.

We didn't get to say hello to everyone since we'd do that at the reception, so Zayn and I didn't complain when Trisha urged us to get to the car, and for everyone to get to theirs.

When we reached our car that had a white bow on top with a banner that said, 'Just Married' on it, I sighed.


Zayn just grinned beside me and examined his wedding ring.

"Did you see Aid with Danielle out there?" I asked him.

"Yeah he seemed pretty happy, I'd say." He shrugged.

"Do you think he'll be alright without us for such a long time?" I worried about my son constantly when I was around him, so if we were in different areas of the world, how much worse would it get?

"He'll be fine. I promise you, he's in good hands. Besides, he'll forget all about it if we come back with a little brother or sister in your stomach." Zayn's hand slipped around my waist as he leaned in to give me a soft kiss.

In a playful manner, I pushed him away from me. "Keep it in your pants, Mr. Malik. We're not on our honeymoon yet."

Zayn laughed, rolling his eyes and keeping his fair distance until we arrived at the reception venue.

"Here they are, Mr. and Mrs. Malik!" The DJ announced when Zayn and I arrived. Apparently our driver had taken the long way to ensure that our guests would get there before we did.

Zayn and I walked inside and waved to everyone. There were multiple tables decorated in a garden theme next to the dance floor, and an open bar. The DJ booth was somewhat close to the place where Zayn and I were going to sit. The place next to my seat was reserved for Aiden who wasn't sitting in his spot.

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