Chapter 5

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Eve's POV

I woke up to the feeling of someone light on top of me, calling 'mummy' and shaking my shoulders rapidly. I'd been woken up this very way many times before. It was really nice to be able to wake up with a smile on my face.

I forced my eyelids to open and let them adjust to the light beaming into the bunk that Zayn was no longer sleeping in.

"Good morning baby." I smiled at Aiden lovingly as a look of satisfaction came over his sweet little face.

"Hi mummy."

"What's gotten you so excited so early? And where's daddy?" I yawned through my words.

"Daddy told me to come wake you up." He informed me. "And then he said to show you this." Aiden hopped off of me and raced out of my sight before coming back with a laptop.


"He said to tell you to read the note." Aiden interrupted. "Bye!"

Before I could even stop him, Aiden was back in his bunk and pulling the curtain back. I furrowed my eyebrows and saw a yellow sticky note below the keyboard.

'Just press play.' It said.

And that's exactly what I did, no matter how utterly confused I was.

I pressed the play button and watched the screen as a video of Zayn appeared. I'd definitely never seen it before. It looked like it was from a few years ago. I turned the volume up and waited for him to say something.

"Eve, if you're watching this it's probably been a few years. It's 2013 now, Aiden was born four months ago. That means I've been in love with you for a year. You're so beautiful, kind, smart, and you're such a good mum." I covered my mouth with my hands as I watched Zayn speak to the camera in our old room. It reminded me of how quickly things had changed back then.

"You're perfect. You are. I trust you with my life and I know you feel the same way about me. I love you so much. Never forget that, please. Okay I think you're coming back in from the nursery now, so...bye." The video cut off with Zayn reaching to stop the camera from rolling.

Speechless. That's what I was. Speechless.

The DVD ejecting from the laptop startled me at first, but that was completely forgotten as soon as I saw what was written on it. Another note.

It said, 'Watch the next video waiting for you on the couch.'

That was just in the next section over in the bus, and frankly I was way too intrigued to even question why no one seemed to be on the bus except for Aiden and I. And by the sound of snoring coming from his bunk I assumed that he barely counted.

I rolled out of bed and scurried into the room where the couch was, and sure enough there was another laptop waiting for me. What was going on?

I sat down and pressed play, letting the screen reveal another video of Zayn but this time in our house.

"Hey baby, you took Aiden and Alfie to the garden so now it's just me in here. It's crazy how fast Aiden has grown. Last month was his first birthday and our one year anniversary. Spending a whole year with you and being able to actually call you mine, kiss you, hug you, share a house with you, raise a baby with you, has been fantastic. It has been an amazing year and I know it'll be an amazing lifetime too. I love you so much and I always will." Zayn actually leaned in and gave the camera lens a kiss before ending it the same way as the first video.

Blinking tears away, I picked up a piece of paper that was filled with big lettering. It said, 'Head into the kitchen.'

Mixed emotions swirled throughout my brain. What was all of this about? Why was he taping himself back then? Where was everyone? I knew I definitely wouldn't get any of my questions answered if I just stood there, so I made my way over to the kitchen area.

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