Chapter 33

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A/N: I know, I know, it's been forever since I've updated. I can't lie to you and say I've been super busy with everything because frankly I've had enough free time to write, I just haven't felt like writing. I would have written something just to get another chapter up but I didn't think it would be fair to not give my best effort as I come to the end of Growth. Changes and Growth are my babies, the stories that brought me all of you amazing people. Thanks so much for everything you all have done for me. Thank you for sticking with me, and I hope you'll continue to stick with me as I write original stories. I aspire to actually write a book and get it published one day. Without you guys I never would have even thought that was a possibility. I owe you!


Btw Four is amazing! My favorite album yet. Night Changes is amazing, I love Once in a Lifetime, Fool's Gold, and 18. Basically I like the slow songs best as usual. Zayn in the Night Changes video had me screaming. Comment your favorite songs from Four.


(One Year Later)

Eve's POV

I looked down at the items placed in my suitcase, letting my fingers sift through clothes that had never gone on tour before, all except a tee shirt of Zayn's. One that I used to wear when I was first pregnant with Aiden. I was such a different person back then, I had no clue what my life would turn out to be. So much had changed.

Life after the miscarriage was hard, but I didn't expect anything less. Zayn and I went to therapy once a week with a Psychologist named Dr. Stafford, a woman who really worked hard to help us cope with our loss. Our family and friends consistently supported us, especially Liam and Danielle.

Danielle ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby girl two weeks early and they called her Mackenzie Haven Payne. When she was born I mustered up all of the strength I had to visit Dani in the hospital and hold the healthy baby girl in my arms. I tried so hard not to cry, I tried so hard not to wish that was my own baby in my arms, but how could I?

Aiden seemed to be growing like a tree. Every single month he seemed to get smarter, more articulate, and more eager to be around his daddy. I decided to home school him so we could tour with the boys again. There was talk of this tour being the last one for a while. It made me sad to think that I had been going on tour with them since almost the beginning. It saddened me to see how different things were. The dynamics of so many things had changed.

We couldn't really all just pile into one car and go out to eat. Everything was a production.

Aside from all of that, things were the same with Zayn and I. After a tragedy like having a miscarriage, we seemed to be even closer as a couple. It brought us together, really.

"Mummy did you back my swimming goggles?" I looked up from my suitcase to see Aiden dressed in a suit and flip flops.

"Where exactly do you think you're going wearing that?" I asked him, trying not to laugh. Lately he became infatuated with dressing himself every morning. Sometimes his styling choices strayed from normality just a little.

"The plane. Lots of people wear suits on the plane." He crossed his arms.

"Yes, but most of those people are going to work straightaway, honey. We get to dress comfy. If you'd like you can wear football shorts and any tee shirt you want."

"Any one?"

I nodded.

"Alright I'll change." He agreed.

We'd put him on a football team to keep him busy. He wasn't the best, but he had lots of friends who thought it was pretty cool that his daddy was in One Direction. He was always trying to wear the shorts from his uniform, to dinner, to family events, to bed, anywhere.

"Babe is the suitcase ready for me to take to the car?" I heard Zayn walk into our room behind me.

"Yeah, let me just pack some shoes."

"Did you see Aiden trying to leave in his suit?" He giggled.

"Yeah, I told him he could wear his football shorts again." I smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

Zayn nodded, sighing. "I can't believe this could be our last tour."

"I know." I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. "You lot have worked your asses off and you deserve to take time for yourselves now."

"What's in your pocket?" I asked as I let my hands move to Zayn's lower back. He took a step back, reaching to his back pocket to reveal a box he must have gotten from the trash can.

"Were you gonna tell me you were taking a pregnancy test?" He smiled.

"I wanted to keep it to myself unless it was positive. I didn't want you to be disapointed." I sighed. "We've been trying for months and after two negative tests I figured I could just spare you."

"So it was negative." His eyebrows furrow into a slight frown.

"I didn't say that." I grinned.

"Eve, don't play games with me." Zayn pouted.

"Okay, okay." I walked across the room to get my purse, digging through it until I found what I had hidden for later. I was going to ask him to get something for me and then find the pregnancy test out of nowhere, but this would have to do. Pulling out two pregnancy test sticks, each with two clear lines on them and handing them to my husband, I stood and watched for his reaction.

Zayn sat down on the bed, unable to contain his ear to ear smile. "We're having a baby."

"I know." I laughed, sitting next to him. "I know."


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