Chapter 29

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Zayn's POV

We arrived at the hospital within ten minutes. We were referred to the emergency room, but that was only when I was recognized by the receptionist.

If there has to be a perk to being in the limelight, it's being able to get your wife into the emergency room as quickly as possible.

Going up the lift brought thoughts back into my head. I did far too much thinking in lifts. This would be my second time in a situation where I knew Eve was in trouble and I couldn't do anything about it but be there for her.

I worried that she was really sick, but I tried to clear my head of those thoughts. I did my best to tell myself that it was nothing but a little bug going around.

Eve dry heaved the whole ride up the lift while my mum reached for her hand to comfort her. I would've reached for the other hand but she was using it to cover her mouth as she coughed.

It was painful to watch.

Mum held Eve's hand up until they rolled her away on a gurney into a room we were not allowed in even if I was part of One Direction.

We were directed to an empty waiting room with a TV hung up on the corner of the wall playing Coronation Street. That was enough to keep Mum entertained, but I had no interest in some stupid drama show. I had enough drama in my own life.

Magazines were spread around on the tables. One of them had Eve and I on the cover announcing our loss of the baby.

The carelessness and lack of remorse given by these fucking paps and journalists made me sick. How could you spread news about something so sensitive and tragic like it's some kind of best dressed list?

I reached for the magazine and began to rip the whole thing up. The receptionist and Mum watched me with pity in their eyes. It wasn't even shock or anger that I ripped up a hospital's magazine. They felt bad for me.

I had to ask myself why all of these things were happening to our family. Was it something I did? Was it because maybe I'm not the best husband or father?

Despite the result, I tried my hardest to be the best husband I could possibly be as well as the best father. Nobody's perfect, we all know that. We accept each other anyway. This world is not even close to being perfect, but that doesn't mean we as humans don't strive for perfection. We want to live the best lives we possibly can. It's not fair that some people get cancer and some people don't. It's not fair that some horrible people end up with great lives while some of the most deserving people in the world get nothing but shit. Why do we accept it and say, 'life's not fair.' and force ourselves to deal with it and move on?

Why did my wife, one of the strongest and most deserving people I know, have to lose her child? Why did we have to lose our child? Why will she have to be stuck with the trauma of having a miscarriage for the rest of her life? And why wasn't all of that enough bullshit for her to have to go through?

Why this? Why now?

I didn't bother to scoop up the scraps of the piece of shit magazine that I had torn. I didn't care. I did kind of feel bad when Mum tried to tiptoe past me to pick the pieces of paper up and throw them away. She looked frightened, like she didn't want to upset me in fear of what I might do if she did.

"Zayn, I don't want you to worry about what these people in the magazines say about you." She always said to me. I was never good with the publicity thing. I wanted my life to be private and it sucked that I couldn't choose to have my career and a private life. The two just didn't go together.

I didn't want to worry about what people had to say about me and my family and friends in the magazines either, but it was a part of my life. And I hated it.

Checking my phone, I saw that I had a few missed calls and texts from the lads, especially Liam. They were probably shocked to hear the news about Eve, and I hoped they understood my lack of communication and contact with them. I didn't want to talk about it or say the words out loud to anyone.

I couldn't bring myself to reply to anyone, not even Liam.

All I could do was think. I couldn't cry.

"Malik?" A nurse called out my surname in the waiting room even though it was only my Mum and I waiting. I stood up slowly with the help of my mum. She kind of had to encourage me to move up out of my seat.

"That's us." Mum said politely to the woman as we met her near the door she emerged from. She wore maroon scrubs with ugly white trainers on her feet. She was definitely old enough to be friends with my mum.

"You are Eve's..?"

"Mum in law." She replied. "My son is her husband."

"And that must be this gent here." The nurse smiled at me with a sad twinge in her eyes. That worried me.

"What's going on?" I broke my silence.

"It seems Eve is very sick." She explained. "She's been coughing quite a lot, and there has been some blood coughed up as well which is not good. It appears that she has pneumonia which can make people very sick, but it can be treated and overwith in a few weeks. I don't want you to worry too much."

"So she's alright?" I asked.

The nurse nodded. "Now I understand that we've lost a baby recently. How long ago was that? Within the last few weeks?"

I nodded.

"I'm very sorry about that. Now, pneumonia can be caught while in a hospital or after surgery. We'll have to keep her here until she's all better to make sure no one at home catches it. The sooner we treat her, the sooner she'll be well again and back home with the family. How does that sound?"

"Fantastic." Mum said, turning to me and rubbing my shoulder. "She's going to be just fine, honey."

I was relieved to say the least, but I wanted to see her and tell her that everything was okay. She must've been so frightened, more frightened than I was.

"Can I see her?" I asked.

"I think we can arrange for you to visit if you wear a mask over your nose and mouth."

So I put the mask on and went to see Eve. When I walked in, she was coughing and weezing. It was painful to watch and hear, but it was worth seeing her. I was so worried.

"Hey baby." I smiled down at her as she looked up at me.

"Zayn." She whispered.

"You're alright, isn't that great? It's just a little pneumonia." It was strange how my mood went from helpness and upset to comforting and strong when I was around Eve.

"Where's Aid?"

"At home. I'll make sure he's okay."

"Are we going home soon?" She asked. She seemd very dazed and heavily medicated.

"No baby, you have to stay here for a bit. I'll have Aiden call you so you can talk to him." I assured her.

"Zayn." She whispered again, but didn't say anything. Instead she let her eyes close as she began to fall asleep.

And then I knew everything would be okay. As long as she was okay, and Aiden was okay, nothing else mattered.

A/N: YAY she's okay! Wooop wooop. Sorry for the lack of updates but school is coming to a close, there were a bunch of scary fires near my house, and I'm a lazy ass as usual. I hope you're all doing well. Happy Memorial Day fellow Americans! Take time to appreciate everyone who risks their life for the freedom and safety of others.

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