Chapter 20

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A/n: Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope your Christmases Hanukkahs, etc. are all MAGICAL.

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Zayn's POV

As soon as Mum overheard the news that Eve was pregnant, she ran outside to tell Dad, and then called my sisters to get home quickly because there was some very exciting news waiting for them. When they got back, my mum couldn't even contain herself as she spilled the beans to them too.

The whole day consisted of her obsessing over the fact that she was going to have another grandchild while everyone else focused on Aiden who was relieved that she didn't have to try to keep a secret anymore.

"Could you name the baby after me?" Waliyha asked with a sly smile on her face. For being an adult, she still acts so much like a child. It makes me feel better about getting older, though.

"What if it's a boy?" Eve chuckled at her and played with Aiden's hair. We were all sitting in the living room with mugs of tea in our hands, making conversation about the new baby to come. My sisters all sat beside each other, limbs touching just enough to show that they were still really close. I sat with Eve and Aiden while my parents sat across from us on the loveseat. It was great for all of us to be together. It reminded me of when Eve and I came to visit when Aiden was just a baby. We sat in the same room but the atmosphere was totally new to all of us.

This time it felt like family.

"You'd name him Waliyho, obviously." She said as if that was a common name or something.

"We'll keep it in mind." I lied.

"I want him to be named Aiden." Aiden announced confidently.

"Aiden?" Eve asked with her eyebrows knit together in confusion.

He nodded and confirmed. "Aiden. I want him to be named after me."

"We can't even handle one Aiden, let alone two Aidens." I teased him. He was such an amazing kid, so smart, so sweet, cute, and funny. I could only imagine what the new baby would be like. Maybe more shy like me. Or maybe we'd have two loud kids. Only time would be able to answer my questions.

"How far along are you?" Doniya asked Eve and scooted a bit closer to her because she was so interested.

"It's only been a few weeks. I've got a really long way to go." She gestured to her flat stomach and rested her hands on it. "That's a good thing, though. I'll have plently of time to prepare for the baby's arrival."

She turned her head to look at me as she finished talking, offering me a small smile that I reciprocated as soon as I saw it. I felt like the luckiest lad alive, knowing I'd grow old looking at that smile of hers. It was all because of Aiden, really. If she hadn't been pregnant with him, we never would have lived in the same house together.

We never would have developed our relationship.

We never would have gotten together or moved in.

We never would have gotten engaged or married.

We never would have been having a baby now.

Without Eve and Aiden, I'd be such a different person. Who knows what I'd be like without them in my life. I'd probably be in some kind of downward spiral full of drugs, sex, and alchohol. Obviously that's the worst case scenario.

"Your wedding was absolutely gorgeous." I heard Doniya gush to Eve as I thought about the other paths I could have taken in life. Safaa and Waliyha agreed and made a point to let Eve know that she looked, 'stunning', as they put it. I couldn't agree more.

"I know it's a bit early to be planning all of this, but I think it'd be lovely if you'd let Aiden come stay here with us for a few days while you and Eve go to the hospital when the baby is due. What do you think?" Mum asked me with hopeful eyes. I looked at Eve who just smiled and nodded before I agreed to it.

We spent the rest of the day talking amongst ourselves, laughing until we cried, reminiscing, planning for the future. Mum even brought out the baby pictures which Eve asked for multiple copies of. It was adorable how Aiden found it hard to believe that I was younger than him at some point in my life. To him, I was just a dad. It was beyond him that I had any kind of past.

* * * *

Within a month, the whole world seemed to know that Eve was pregnant. We got gifts sent in from fans every day, lots of letters saying congratulations, everything you could imagine. Of course, paparazzi made fucking disgusting comments that, had Aiden not been there, would have compelled me to punch one of them.

All they wanted was a picture of both of us looking upset to put on their magazine cover. 'Eve and Zayn Divorcing Already?'

Eve suffered a bit with the morning sickness thing, but since she wasn't too far in her pregancy it was nothing drastic. Everyday I woke up and smiled when I reminded myself that we had a baby on the way. Even Alfie seemed to know what was going on considering the fact that he liked to lay on Eve's stomach all of the sudden.

"Affie likes your tummy, mummy." Aiden giggled as he watched our dog cuddle up next to her with his head resting on Eve. Aiden laid on me with his head resting against my chest and arms around my neck.

"Do you think he knows the baby is in there?" Eve smiled.

"Maybe. Affie is a smart dog." I loved the way he called Alfie, Affie. It was just one of the many things about Aiden that made me smile.

Like the way he asked questions about everything.

And the way he made the same expressions as his mum.

And the way he loved the lads just as much as Eve and I did.

"You're right, baby." Eve replied. Everytime he spoke, she seemed like she wanted to cry. Maybe it was the hormones or the fact that our little boy was growing up, but I could definitely understand it.


"Yes baby?"

"I really want to have a little sister." Aiden said. Eve and I exchanged glances, smiles prominent on our faces as he went on to explain. "Then I can love her just like you and Daddy."

Remember when I said Eve wanted to cry whenever Aiden said something? This was apparently the icing on the cake for her because before I knew it, she was wiping tears away from her face, trying to keep herself together enough to say something back to him.

I reached over and took her cold hand in my warm hand and interlocked our fingers, giving her a bit of a squeeze.

"Why are you crying?" Aiden asked. He seemed to be worried about Eve and confused as to why she was in tears in the first place.

"It's nothing, Aid." Eve dried her eyes and removed Alfie from his position, getting up and peeling Aiden's body off of mine. "I think it's time for bed."

A/n: I suck, sorry. I feel like all I've been writing are filler chapters but I promise it will get interesting. I'm trying not to skip too much time every time I update but the story really needs to be moving along. I hope you're all stlll liking the story. Aiden is a cutie, isn't he? :)

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