Chapter 1

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I wake up to Prim stroking my dark drown hair out of my sweaty face.

"You have another nightmare?" Prim asks already knowing the answer

"Yeah" I simply reply.

"Do you want to talk about it, Katniss? I've  heard that helps them go away." Prim says

I look at the clock. It's 2:43 a.m., and I don't want to keep my sister up later than I already have.

"No it's alright. I don't think talking about my nightmares will help, I don't think they'll ever go away anyways. Talking about them may actually make them seem more real." I tell Prim honestly.
"Just go back to bed Little Duck, I'm sorry I woke you up." I tell her as sweetly as I can at this time in the morning.

"Goodnight, Katniss." Prim says kissing my cheek.

"Goodnight, Primrose." I say as she walks back to her room.

As I sit their I think about my nightmare. I think about how silly it was for me to tell Prim telling her about it would make it seem more real, because it was just another nightmare about my fathers death.

My father died in a car accident when I was 11 years old. Prim was only 7. We were in the car with him, dad was driving. That car came out of no where, me and Prim made it out. The cars gasoline tank exploded before my father could make it out because the car that crashed into us smashed into the driver side. Prim and I would have had the same fate as my father it it weren't for... Him.

The only reason I ever wake up from that nightmare is because of him. Those blue eyes that told me 'Nothing bad is going to happen to you as long as I'm here.'

I've never really talked to Peeta Mellark, but he got to the scene of the accident before the paramedics did, and my mother said he stayed at the hospital when I was there after the accident. I never saw him though because I was asleep most of the time from the morphine they gave me. I ended up having bruised ribs from the air bag impact.

The reality of my fathers death sunk into my mother as we got home from the hospital the day they released Prim and I. She stopped listening, eating, moving, and even sometimes it looked like she wasn't even breathing. My mother vanished from us even if she was physically still there.

The doctor let me go back to school a week after I was released and I saw Peeta in the hall with his friends so I just went and talked to Madge. That same day when I got Prim from her class to go home I saw him looking at me from across the lot. And then the strangest thing happened when I turned around. Their was a dandelion in the grass, and for some reason I felt like I could make it. I felt like I could provide for my family, because of that one simply flower.

I stop thinking about the entire thing and look at the clock again. It's almost 4 o'clock a.m. I better get to sleep or I'm not going to be able to wake up tomorrow.

Great another thing to try to clear my mind of so I can sleep. Tomorrow is my first day of my junior year at Panem High.

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