Chapter 8

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I wake up feeling the same way I did when I woke up yesterday. I go to the bathroom to wash my teeth. I go to my vanity and do my makeup and re-curl my hair, smiling the entire time.

I put on a soft blue sweater and light booty shorts that look like their ripped at the bottom.

Prim walks into my room and asks if she can borrow my eyeshadow palette. I give her the Naked 3 palette, and she does her makeup at my dresser mirror.

"Have you figured out how you feel about Peeta?" Prim asks me sincerely.

"Nope, but I'm going to figure it out today." I say giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking over to my desk to put my stuff in my bag.

"Really! How? Are you going to kiss him?!" Prim asks in a way that just makes me giggle.

"No Primmy, I'm going to talk to Finnick. I'm going to ask him how he knew he liked Annie." I say wanting her opinion on my plan.

"I think that's a good idea! But if it doesn't work out you bring him here and I'll tell you what I think." Prim says in a matter-of-fact tone.

I giggle again, what is up with me today, "Well you'll get to see him anyways because he's coming over tonight."

"Great!" Prim says a little mischievously as she walks back to her room.


Peeta's POV

After lunch I walk up to my locker just in time to see Katniss closing hers.

"Hey." I say

"Hi." She says as she leans up against her locker. Why is she so hot?

"What time do you want to meet up today?" I ask.

"We can meet up right after school. And can you come to my house? My little sister wants to meet you... properly." She says

"So I've been talked about at your house?" I ask making her blush. She is even more adorable when she blushes.

I smile and she slaps my shoulder playfully. "So, you'll come?" She asks giving me puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, of course." I say and I'm pretty sure I'm wrong but I think a see her lose her balance for a second.

"I'll see you later. I have to go find Finnick." She says, and walks away before I can ask her why.


Katniss POV

"Finnick!" I yell so he'll wait up for me.

"Yes Kitty?" He ask once I catch up.

I'm just gonna be straight up with him. "How did you know that you liked Annie?"

"I knew I liked Annie because she was always their for me. She just kinda crept up on me." Finnick says smiling at the memory. "Why?" He asks.

"Do you think I like Peeta?" I ask wanting to know his honest opinion.

"Wait, Peeta!? Peeta Mellark?" He asks

"Isn't that the only Peeta you know?" I say about to cry of frustration.

"Yes, and Katniss I can't tell you if you like someone or not." He says

"Well, can you help me because I don't know if I feel helpless around him because I owe him for saving my life, or if it's because I can't do anything to make sure I don't loose him too!" I say starting to cry.

"Here do this. Think of a world without Peeta." He says as I pull myself together and think.

I think about a world with out Peeta Mellark. With out those ocean blue that told me so many things. Those strong arms that protected me. That smile that lights up my day. Without that cinnamon and dill scent. I think of a world where that steady heart beat that calmed me down doesn't exist. And I start to cry.

"Awh, Katniss." Finnick says holding me so I won't fall down in the middle of the hallway.

"I love him." is all that I can get out before those awful sounds start coming out of me.

Finnick doesn't know what to do with me because he has to go to class and I just won't stop crying. He waits a few more minutes but the tears just don't stop they don't even calm down.

In the end I guess he has an idea because I am lifted off the ground like a rag doll and all I can see are my tears hitting the floor. We stay in the same spot for a few minutes and then I hear a door click open and I think Finnick is going to drop me off in the janitors closet or something. But when his arms let go of me another pair takes over.

I open my eyes wondering if Finnick left me with the janitor himself when I find blue eyes that tell me he didn't. I wrap my arms around Peeta's neck as he cradles me protectively like an infante. I sob into his shoulder until I come to realize theirs nothing to cry about. Peeta's right here he's not dead. I haven't lost him.

And I never want him to leave.

"Will you stay with me?" I whisper in his ear.

He puts my legs on the ground and looks right into my eyes. When he says


"Stay with me."Where stories live. Discover now