Chapter 12

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After we get custard we return to Glimmers house to see Gale's car gone.

'Thank the Lord' I think as we walk into the house. I think Peeta realizes the same thing, but for some reason he brings me closer to him.

"Do you want to continue with the games?" Finnick asks no one in particular as Glimmer lets everyone inside the house.

"Sure. We could play "Sugar Cubes"." Marvel answers and everyone agrees with a big smile. Except for Peeta who for the second time tonight looks totally confused.

"What's "Sugar Cubes"?" Peeta asks.

"It's a game where we hide a ton of sugar cubes in the house. Once we've found them all the three people with the most sugar cubes have to throw the divided amount of sugar cubes up in the air and into their mouths. The first one to finish wins." explains Johanna.

"And the losers cough up five dollars each." Finnick adds with a smirk. Of course he says this, he always wins.

"Why three finalist?" Peeta asks.

"Because one time we only played with two, and Cato puked during the night. Then he was in a sugar coma the next day." I say. "It really wasn't a huge deal, but we were worried he would never wake up."

"But I did." Cato adds in a superior voice.

"We can see that, dumbass." Glimmer jokes.

Cato glares at Glimmer until Clove breaks the silence. "Okay, let's play." she says giving Annie the Sugar Cube box.

Annie doesn't play the game most of the time. I don't know why I guess she just doesn't want to have to pay. The only reason the rest of us play is because we know we could win. Annie is to gentle to play this almost-violent game, that always gets out of hand.

We all go outside until Annie opens the door telling us the sugar cubes are hidden.

Everyone races inside and runs to the obvious places Annie would hide sugar cubes, which gives Peeta a disadvantage because he doesn't know Annie as well as the rest of us.

While everyone who knows Annie is looking at the usual places Annie hides sugar cubes I realize Peeta is just going all over the house.

"Stop!" Annie yells and everyone looks at her with eager expressions.

"Let me count the sugar cubes. I think you've found them all." she says, and I notice she glares at Peeta during the last part. Thats when I realize Peeta has a lot more sugar cubes than the rest of us.

Annie has counted everyones sugar cubes except Peeta's when she walks over to him.

"You sneaky basterd," Annie says with a breathy laugh "these were supposed to be the hard ones."

And with that she announces "Everyone needs to give their sugar cubes to Peeta, Finnick, and Katniss."

"Katniss?! What?!" Cato almost screams. And I don't blame him because I am shocked myself.

"She beat you by like two sugar cubes, chill." Annie says calmly to Cato.

"But-" Cato starts.

"'But' nothing," I say "I'm going the finals, fair-and-square."

Cato gives me a death glare, but I know their is a thought in the back of his head saying 'It's just a game.' I hope he listens to that voice before he does something crazy. Before I know it Peeta is beside me, and I almost ask him if we can leave when Cato finally shakes his head.

"Yeah, okay." he says nonchalantly. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in. Cato can be pretty violent some times, and I didn't want to be the one his fists were aiming for. Or Peeta.

Everyone splits up the sugar cubes evenly and Finnick, Peeta, and I sit on the floor with the sugar cubes in our hands.

"1...2...3...GO!!!" the others yell as FInnick, Peeta, and I start throwing the sugar cubes up in the air and catching them in our mouths.

To my surprise the others start to distract Finnick making him very aggravated and he drops the sugar cubes. He eventually drops all of them on accident and some fell under the couch but he continues to put them in his mouth.

In the end Annie is tickling him and he can't catch the sugar cubes in his mouth while he is laughing. So, now the others come to me and Peeta, but when they get to where we are sitting they all come to distract me. In the end, Peeta wins by default. And even though we offered him the money he wouldn't take it. God, I love him.

"That was fun!" Madge giggles when we all plop down on the couch, and Im happy she has at least forgotten about Gale enough to have fun.

We all laugh and nod our heads in response.

"You guys want to start the movie?" Glimmer asks and we all know what that means. The night is coming to an end.

I frown unintentionally, but I can't help it. This night has been amazing... except for that thing with Gale. I look at everyone and smile. I have them all no matter what. Then I look at Peeta. I don't want any of this to go to waste. I'm not going to let anymore time go to waste crying or being depressed. I have everything I need. Right here. Right now.

So when we start the movie I don't even hesitate to sit beside Peeta and put my head on his shoulder.

This is how I want the night to end. And this is how I want to wake up tomorrow.

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