Chapter 7

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After school I go and pick up Prim and go home.

I decide to take a shower and change my clothes. I start getting dressed in a PINK shirt and shorts when someone knocks on the door.

"Prim can you get that!" I yell from upstairs.

I hear the door click open and some mumbling downstairs.

"It's for you!" Prim yells and a moment later I hear footsteps coming upstairs.

I'm about to lock my door, but they all barge through it. All the guys. Or at least half of them. Gale, Cato, and Marvel make their way into my room. Gale sits on my bed, Marvel sits at my desk, and Cato leans up against the wall while I sit at my vanity curling my hair.

"What's up?" I say looking at the mirror which has their reflections.

"We know you were lying about why you dragged Finnick out of the cafeteria." Cato says.

I sigh "Did he tell you, or was it Peeta?"

"Peeta? What does Peeta have anything to do with this?" Gale says anxiously.

"Gosh, Okay so you don't know." I finish curling my hair and look at them. I get up grab my Michael Kors bag and wallet, and motion them to come with me. When we are downstairs I call Madge.

{On the phone with Madge}

"Hey, where are we going for dinner?" I ask

"Panera Bread, is that okay with you?" Madge answers

"Yeah. Can I bring three uninvited guests?" I reply glaring at the three guys on the couch.

"Of course you can. This is for you Kat." she says.

"Okay, we'll met you their in ten." I say

"Already on my way." Madge says as she hangs up the phone.

"Follow me." I say as I walk out the door into my car.

I wait for them to all pile into Cato's convertible. Till I pull out of the drive way and to Panera Bread.

When we get their all the girls are their except Glimmer.

"Ugh," I say plopping myself down in between Madge and Annie. "They figured it out."

"They figured out what, exactly?" Johanna asks.

"We figured out she was lying about why you guys dragged Finnick out of the cafeteria." Marvel says

"That's all?" Clove asks as Glimmer walks in.

"What else is their?" Gale asks.

"Why are they here?" Glimmer asks no one in particular.

"They figured out I was lying about why we dragged Finnick out of the cafeteria." I repeat trying really hard not to get annoyed at Glimmer.

"That's all?" Glimmer asks the same thing Clove did.

"What else is their?" Gale asks more intense this time.

"I'm going to get in line and order first. I don't know about you guys but I'm starving." I say as I get up and walk to the register.

I don't really want to be healthy today so I order Broccoli and Cheese soup in a bread bowl, but I have an apple as side so I don't go overboard. I get Green Tea as my drink and go back to the table.

When I get back to the table everyone is looking at me.

I sigh thinking about how I'm going to have to explain this a fourth time.

"Yesterday, Madge came over and we just hung out and watched TV, but then I made the recliner flip and Finnick and Peeta came into the house and they all had a good laugh about it. I got annoyed and went to my room, Peeta followed me. We start talking the next thing I know I'm crying in his lap." I have to stop because this thing starts buzzing telling me to get my food. When I return I continue. "This morning I was talking to Prim and I realized I was crying because I was overwhelmed. Because Peeta reminded me of my dad, and it all led back to Prim and the car accident."

"Wait what car accident?" Clove is the first to catch on.

"My dad died in a car accident when I was eleven. Me and Prim were in the car." I say in a hushed voice with glassy eyes.

"What does this have to do with Peeta?" Gale asks and I glare at him but answer his question.

"Peeta saved Prim and I from the car. We would be dead if it weren't for him." I say trying extremely hard not to cry.

"Oh my gosh Katniss! Why didn't you tell us, you know before yesterday?" Madge asks crying.

"I didn't want your pity. And I didn't want all of you crying like your about to now." I say harshly.

I get up and leave before they all make a scene. I get to my car thinking I have to wait until I get home to cry. It's not safe for me to be driving like that, but before I get home their are tears going down my neck.

I get out of the car, slam the door, go to my room, and sit down on my bed crying. I hug my knees and rock myself, but it's not working so I just get up and wash my face. I change into pajamas and go to sleep knowing nightmares will come for me tonight.


"Peeta!" I scream when I wake up my dark hair sticking to my sweaty neck.

'Peeta? Really.' I think to myself as my face heats up.

I need to figure this out I need to know why I feel so helpless around him.

After about thirty minutes of thinking I finally come up with something. Although it means I have to tell Finnick about how I feel I need this knot in my stomach gone. I need to know if I'm afraid of losing him.

I go to sleep with a smile on my face thinking maybe this will all be cleared up tomorrow, and that Peeta will be their for me either way.

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