Chapter 3

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'I can't believe it. Peeta Mellark is my locker neighbor, and I spoke to him for the very first time today.' I think to myself as I walk to homeroom.

My schedule says I have Mr.Abernathy for Homeroom/Social Studies.

When I walk into the room I see that I am the last one to get their. Well besides our actual teacher. The second thing I see is an ashy blond haired boy, with a stocky build, and broad shoulders looking at me as I enter the classroom.

'Great. Can't he just leave me alone.' I think to myself.

The only good thing is that Delly is already sitting beside Peeta, and that's when I see Madge is sitting next to the only empty seat in the classroom.

"Hey." I say to Madge in a less relieved tone than I thought I would use.

"Oh my goodness Katniss, Hi! I'm so glad I actually have a friend in this class! Why were you so late?" Madge says all in one breath.

"I was really late? And I'm happy I have a friend in this class too!" I say to Madge

"You were like 15 minutes late actually. Thank goodness Mr. Abernathy isn't here yet." Madge tells me.

Just then an older man with blonde hair about to the bottom of his ears stumbles in with sunglasses on. The man just sits down at his desk and lays his head down.

Everybody looks at one another not knowing what to do. Peeta is the only one who speaks up. "Are you Mr. Abernathy?"

"Yes, why else would I be here boy, and call me Haymitch. Mr. Abernathy is too... civilized." Haymitch says.

"Okay, Haymitch what is our assignment today?" Peeta asks.

Haymitch lifts his head off his desk and says quite loudly "If you all can whisper and let me sleep, I will not give you an assignment. Does that sound like something you can do?"

Everyone nods and Haymitch points to Peeta "What's your name boy?"

"Peeta." he says

"Okay then Peeta, if you want to keep having days like this, you will wake me up when my next class is coming. Got it" Haymitch says somewhat sternly.

"Got it." Peeta says.

After that everyone in the classroom whispers to their friends not trying to be to loud. Madge is talking to me about maybe having a sleepover Friday with all our friends. I am about to say that sounds like a good idea when Haymitch mumbles something under his breath and lifts his head up.

"You their" he says pointing to Delly "are you always so bubbly?"

"My name is Delly, and to answer your question, it's only when I'm around my Peetie-Pie." she says placing a hand on Peeta's shoulder.

Peeta sighs, and it's not an 'I'm in love' sigh, it's a 'What is she saying' sigh. I never thought I would be worried about what type of sigh came out of Peeta Mellark's mouth.

"Okay well we are going to have to fix that." Haymitch says, thinking "I got it. Delly you switch seats with Sweetheart over their and this problem will be solved."

Everyone looks around wondering who Haymitch just called "Sweetheat".

Haymitch finally catches on and points to no other than me. "You." he says "Switch seats with Delly."

"I'm not moving!" Delly says in a rude tone.

"Yes you are, unless you never want this class to have a free day again and for me to give this class homework everyday, for the rest of the year." Haymitch says in a taunting voice.

"Fine." Delly scoffs as she grabs her purse and walks towards my seat.

"Get up." Delly says

I look at Madge with an 'I'm so sorry' look. She gives me an 'It's okay' look and I get my stuff, get up, and sit down beside Peeta.

The entire class goes back to whispering, a little quieter than before I might add. I look back at Madge who is sitting stiffly next to Delly not saying a word.

"Thank you." Peeta whispers to me.

"For what?" I ask.

"For moving." Peeta says.

"I was kind of forced to." I say

"I know, but if you would have said you didn't want to he might have gave Delly a second chance to "be quieter"." Peeta explains to me.

"It's the least I can do." I say mimicking him from this morning.

Peeta laughs softly and falls silent. I don't want things to get awkward like they did this morning so I ask him something I've been wondering about.

"What's up with you and Delly?" I ask Peeta.

"Is someone jealous?" He says jokingly. I know I started blushing, especially when Peeta's smile grows bigger.

"No." I say pretending to be irritated at him.

"Well about Delly and I." Peeta says "She has a huge crush on me and she just won't leave me alone. She keeps calling me her boyfriend. Last year I had to sit with her everyday at lunch because my other friends didn't want to sit beside her, but she just kept following me around."

"That sounds terrible." I say laughing, but Peeta knows I mean what I said.

"It was!" Peeta says laughing as well.

We both are still laughing when the bell rings telling us to go to our second class.

"Before you go, pick up your Social Studies textbooks and be ready to actually learn tomorrow." Haymitch says to the class.

"What class do you have next?" I ask Peeta.

"Honors English: Panem Literature with Ms. Trinket." Peeta says

"Me too!" I say a little to excitedly

Peeta chuckles "Okay, I'll meet you their in a few. I'm going to go put my book in my locker."

I laugh on the inside thinking about my clumsiness this morning

"Can you put mine in my locker too?" I ask sounding as sweet as I can.

"Are you sure? You'll have to give me your combination." Peeta tells me.

"I trust you." I say with a smile.

"Okay, I'll do it. If you save me a seat beside you in English." Peeta says smiling.

"Deal." I say handing Peeta my book and a sheet of paper with my locker combination on it.

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