Chapter 2

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"Katniss get up!" I hear Prim yell at me.

"I'm up, I'm up." I say back to her as I groggily get out of bed.

I go to the restroom and brush my teeth. Then I go to my walk-in closet and pick out a shirt-like dress to wear. I go back to the restroom in my dress to undo my braid and curl the not-so-curly spots.

I start doing my makeup when Prim asks me to come into her room and braid her hair. I walk into her room and start braiding her hair for her.

"What are your nightmares usually about, Katniss?" my sister asks, and I can tell that she is genuinely worried about me.

"They are usually about the accident." I tell her in a plain voice. I don't like talking about things that haunt me.

"You know you don't have to worry about dad. He's in a better place now, and-"

I cut her off "I know Prim, I know, but you have to understand too that things could have been a lot different. You could've died, and if that happened I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I finish the braid and walk back to the restroom before she can see my tears.

When I'm done getting ready I grab my keys and my phone. I but everything in my purse and walk downstairs.

My mom cooked breakfast, but I didn't have time to eat so I just grabbed an apple and told Prim to finish eating and come to the car in two minutes. I get in my car when my phone starts ringing. It's just Madge:

{On the phone with Madge}

"Heyyyy." says Madge.

"Hi" I say.

"So I just wanted to tell you that Clove, Glimmer, Johanna, Annie, and I are meeting up at the courtyard before school starts. And we really want to see you." Madge says.

"Okay I'll be their in a few." I say

"Okay see ya then!" Madge says

"See ya." I say

Prim gets into the car right when I hang up. "Are you ready to go?" I ask Prim as she sits down in the passenger seat.

"Yep." she says

I drop Prim off at Panem Middle and drive to Panem High.

When I get to the courtyard all my friends are their even the guys.

"Katniss!!" Annie say running over to hug me.

"Hey Annie!" I say

I say hey to everyone and ask them how there summer was. Johanna said she went to a camp that taught her more techniques she could use with her axe. Finnick went to the beach for the entire summer, and Gale went camping.

I zoned out when the rest of my friends were talking because when I looked around to see who else was in the courtyard I was met by a pair of blue eyes.
I held Peeta's gaze for a second and then he looked away.

Deciding it was time for me to go get my class schedule and locker number from the front office I told my friends "Hey guys I have to go get registered so I will see you guys later okay, bye."

The group says bye and I walk to the front office to get registered. I get my class schedule, and head to my locker.

"261,261,261" I repeat as I turn a corner to get to the row with the locker numbers in the 260's


I hit my head on an open locker door and everything falls out of my hands. I land flat on my butt in a sitting position.
'Why do I have to be so clumsy, I ran straight into that locker door.' I tell myself.

"Are you okay! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" someone says helping me off the floor.

"I'm okay. It wasn't your fault, I'm so clumsy." I say squinting my eyes trying to laugh away the pain.

"I'm still sorry." the person says as I open my eyes.

It's Peeta. Damn it, couldn't it have been someone else. Couldn't it have been one of my friends, or a new kid, or even Delly Cartwright! Wait no I'd rather it be Peeta then Delly, but seriously why him.

"Theirs no reason for you to be sorry Peeta." I say in a soft voice as I walk around him to get to my locker.

Peeta picked up the stuff I dropped and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I say trying not to look at him.

"It's the least I can do. Are you sure your okay? Peeta says.

"I'll be fine. I might have a bump, but it'll be okay." I tell him.

"Okay." Peeta says.

An awkward silence falls between us, until the bell rings telling us to get to class.

"I'll see ya later." Peeta says starting toward his class.

"Bye." I say as he walks away

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