Chapter 11

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When we get back into the living room everyone looks at Peeta and I's conjoined hands. Clove has a look of excitement and everyone else looks confused, but it only takes a moment for them to catch on.

The next thing I know Gale has gotten up and left the house.

Cato is going after him and catches Gale at the front porch. The rest of us stand at the door trying to listen to their conversation.

We can't here what their saying for a while but then Gale starts yelling. "I love her! I am always their for her and she knows it! She loves me. I know it but it's because of him! He made her forget about everything I've done for her! I'm gonna kill him!"

That's it I'm through with Gale thinking he's my hero! The only person who has ever always been their for me is myself!

I open the door and slam it behind me before Peeta can come out as well. I don't want him to get hurt.

But the minute I see Gale I start yelling "The hell you've always been their for me! You've never been their for me, and maybe it's because I've never needed you! Peeta hasn't made me forget about any of the shit you've put me through! The only thing you've ever done is almost gotten me and my sister killed! Don't you think I knew who was driving the car that hit my dad!"

What did I just say.

Was he the driver that killed my father? No. He couldn't have been. But their is something in the back of my mind that tells me he was.

Gale's voice goes soft. "I was thirteen, Katniss. I didn't know what I was doing."

That's when the tears come. And I remember. I remember his face before I blacked out. It wasn't a drunk driver.

"You killed my dad. You almost killed my sister. You almost killed me." I say disgusted, tears still coming out.

I grab the door knob wanting to go back inside the house. Wanting to get away from the truth. Wanting Peeta's arms to engulf me in warmth and keep me from insanity.

But when I start to open the door Gale grabs my hand a turns me around.

Before I can do anything Gale puts his lips on mine.

I push on his chest as hard as I can to get him away from me, but he's to strong. I start scratching at his arms and his face but he doesn't stop.

Then I feel the pressure of Gales lips vanish. Tears blur my vision for a moment but when they clear I see Peeta holding Gale by the neck of his shirt against the porch post.

"If you ever touch her again, I'll make you sorry you ever met me." Peeta says this sternly but not yelling. Much like an angry parent would a child.

And I understand why. Peeta is the kindest thing in the world. He wouldn't want to hurt Gale unless he had to.

Peeta lets go of Gale. "What are you going to do Bread Boy? Throw a sack of flour at me?" Gale says tauntingly.

"No. I would do this," Peeta says as he punches Gale hard, right in the stomach. Gale falls to the ground holding himself. "and a lot worse." Peeta finishes.

Peeta turns around to face me and I see his eyes go soft. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. I put my head in the crook of his neck and hold him.

"Are you alright." Peeta whispers into my ear genuinely worried.

"I'm so sorry, Peeta. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? I'm so sorry." I say tears streaming down my face.

He pulls back and looks straight into my eyes. "Katniss, you have nothing to be sorry about. It wasn't your fault. You couldn't do anything. It's okay." He says wiping tears off my face with his thumb.

His words are intense but his touch is gentle. I nod and blink the tears in my eyes away. He caresses my face and I kiss him gently.

"You guys want to go get custard?" Marvel asks from behind us.

"Marvel! Haven't you eaten enough?" Annie says, but the rest of us just laugh. Once Annie realizes I'm okay she cracks a smile as well.

"Let's go!" I say surprising everyone, even myself, with my new sense of happiness. I hold Peeta's hand until I get to the passenger seat.

Everyone else gets in their cars and Peeta starts the car. As Peeta drives to Maysilee's Custard Shop I look at him almost studying his face and realize why I'm so happy. It's because what I thought earlier is wrong.

The only person who has always been their for me is not myself.

It's Peeta.

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