Chapter 10

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It is finally Friday and school has made me feel like I'm being tortured, and that's not only because of all the schoolwork. Peeta and I haven't really talked sense Wednesday when he came over. He doesn't even sit beside me at lunch anymore.

When he does try to talk to me I ignore him because he has no right to only talk to me when he wants to, and that's the only time he does! I just put up a wall because I don't want to get hurt. I know that's not fair to myself but he's the one who started ignoring me.

I'm on my bed right now thinking of all this while I should be packing when I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs and and open the door to see Peeta. I'm about to ask why he's here when it hits me.

"Shoot, I am so sorry I totally forgot!" Is all I say before I run upstairs to pack.

I grab a few shirts and jeans that I think could make wearable outfits and shove them in my Nike duffle bag. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, and other necessities as well. Then I shove that in the duffel. I grab my charger, phone, keys, and wallet and put those in my purse before I grab everything and run downstairs.

The sleepover starts at 7:00 and it's already 6:20, but when I get downstairs I see Peeta in the kitchen with Prim. They are talking about something, but I'm not in the mood to figure it out.

"Peeta, I'm ready!" Is all I have to say before he gets up and we both say goodbye to Prim.

I get outside I walk to my car before Peeta stops me.

"You can ride with me, if you want." He says and it's in such a kind way I almost agree.

"Oh, this is weird." I sigh and he looks at me confused. "I don't really feel safe in a car unless I'm driving. You know with the accident and all. I'm really sorry."

Peeta looks at me sadly and then comes over to me and hugs me. I'm a little shocked at first, but in the end I hug him back. I've missed his scent, and his warm arms that I always feel safe in. I think maybe it would be okay if he drove.

"I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to." He whispers into my ear.

I pull out of the hug and look at his eyes. "I know." I say before I put my duffle in the back of his car.

I get in the passenger seat as he gets in the drivers seat. I start shaking as soon as he turns the engine on. Peeta realizes and holds my hand because I guess he thinks it will make me feel safer. And I honestly do because the next thing I know we are at the grocery store.

We get inside the store and grab food, plastic plates, and sweets. When I grab a box of sugar cubes Peeta looks suspicious.

"What are those for?" Peeta asks.

"You'll see." I say laughing.

We act like kids pushing the cart and then jumping on it while it's still moving, we try to trip each other when the other isn't looking, and Peeta even gave me a piggyback ride to the cash register. 

In the end I beg him to let me pay, but he won't budge so I just tell him I'm paying for the pizza.

We get the pizza at Dominos and I give Peeta directions to Glimmers house. He misses a ton of turns but we just laugh about it. By the time we get there it's 7:12 and when we pull up the group comes out and cheers with happiness because they were waiting for the food.

We get inside and Finnick eyes me suspiciously. I shake my head guessing he's wondering if anything went on between me and Peeta.

Him and Clove know they are the only ones who now how I feel about Peeta, and they know about how we've been distant lately. I think the grocery store made up for the lost time, but he still doesn't know what I feel.

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