Chapter 5

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"Heellllooooo" Madge says strutting through my door.

Prim as if on cue runs to the hallway that holds the front door and jumps into Madge's arms. They both come into the living room where I am laying on the couch on my phone.

"Where is Katniss?" Madge asks Prim as she sits on my back so I can't get up.

"Get off of me!" I yell turning my head so it's not in the couch.

"I have no idea." Prim says innocently to Madge.

"That's okay I can just hang out with you until she gets here." Madge says laying down on my small frame.

That was a mistake because now I just roll out from under her and onto the floor, and she comes down with me.

We all start laughing and then Prim comes and sits down on my lap.

"Sooo," Madge says "have you heard from Peeta anytime after school?"

"Whose Peeta?" Prim asks "Wait Peeta...Peeta Mellark!"

"Yes, Little Duck. But no I haven't heard from him, Madge." I say laughing trying to make them change the subject.

"Is their something going on with you two?" Prim ask curiously but excited, and even Madge looks at me questioningly.

"No!" I say a bit too loud.

"Okay, whatever you say Katniss." Madge says.

She doesn't believe me. Do I believe myself?

I just roll my eyes.

"Enough about me how are you two my bestie and my sissy." I say making us all laugh again.

"I'm great!" Prim says "School was as boring as ever, but I'm with you two now!"

"How about you Madge? Do you still have a crush on 'you know who'." I ask.

"Wait, who is it?!" Prim asks/ screams

"Gale, and yes. But I think he has his eye on a different prize." Madge says looking at me.

"Me? Noo, we are too similar in personality, and you know opposites attract." I say encouragingly

"Goodness, Katniss stop lying to yourself. At lunch, before you came, he asked if we had met Peeta. He is totally jealous about whatever you two have." Madge says clearly irritated.

Damn, I can't imagine how snobby I look beside her.

"Madge, I'm sorry." I say hugging her.

Prim hugs our sides and we stay like that for a while.


Finnick's POV

I grab two waters from the fridge and walk back into the living room. I toss one to Peeta and he catches it.

"Is it true?" I say after I take a sip of water.

"Is what true?" Peeta asks a bit defensively.

"Is it true that you saved Katniss when she was 11, in that car accident?" I say quietly feeling sad for my 'little sister'.

"Yeah," Peeta says scratching his neck "I don't really like to think about it though..."

And even if he doesn't say it out loud I know why. He couldn't save Katniss' father.

"It's not your fault." I say trying to make him feel better. "She and Prim would've died if you didn't show up."

"I know." He pauses "I still can't help thinking if I would've gotten their sooner, if I had got them out faster..."

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