Chapter 6

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I wake up with a sense of longing, yet happiness, and I can help but feel it's connected to Peeta somehow.

Prim is already up and starting to her room when she turns around in the doorway and asks "Are you okay?"

I get out of bed and grab her in my arms and twirl around. She's starts laughing and when I stop I say "I've never been better."

"Good." Prim says as she walks to her room.

I decide to wear a orange crop top and high wasted, dark-washed jeans. I go to the bathroom to wash my teeth, do my makeup, and braid my hair. Then I go to my room and put my stuff in my purse.

When I get downstairs Prim is already down and making eggs. I decide to cook some bacon when my phone starts ringing to tell me I have texts to read.

I just cook the bacon and then when I sit down to eat I read the messages:

My Girls😘👑💟

Madge🎓💋🎹: Omg, you guys Katniss and Peeta are totally into each other!!

Glimmer✨🛍: Oh my gosh! Really!

Clove🍀🔪: I knew it!

Annie⚓️🎏: Awh! Wait, is this true Katniss!

Johanna⚒🌲: Yeah, Brainless are you there?!

I start blushing, but they don't know that so I just say:

Me: I'm here now! And Madge! I am not totally into Peeta we literally talked for the first time yesterday.

Madge🎓💋🎹: Katniss you were in his lap!

Annie⚓️🎏: What!

Glimmer✨🛍: Get it, Kat.

I think the rest of them aren't responding because that are in shock.

Me: You guys chill. I was just having a rough time and he was their for me that's all that happened.

Clove🍀🔪: Katniss what happened; are you okay?

Me: I'll just talk to you guys after school okay. Don't bring it up around the guys though, okay?

Annie⚓️🎏: We won't. I promise.

With that I put my phone in my purse and me and Prim go to car.

"So, what happened last night?" Prim ask curiously.

I sigh knowing I won't be able to hide anything from my sister.

"I was just overwhelmed with everything bad that's happened to us. Peeta being at the house made me think of dad, dad made me think of mom, and mom made me think of you. And I can't loose you. I just feel so helpless." I say honestly but leaving out a piece of information that I myself am confused about.

Even if I leave out this information Prim asks about it "Do you feel helpless around Peeta because your life was in his hands once? Or is it because you don't want to lose him either?"

"I don't know Little Duck." I say looking at her. "I just don't know."

I start the car and drop Prim off at the middle school.

When I get to Panem High I see the girls waiting for me near my usual parking spot in between Finnick and Clove's cars.

When I get out of the car the girls start walking with me into the school and to Haymitch's class.

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