Chapter 9

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Peeta's POV

"Sh, sh what's the matter?" I say wiping the tears from her checks. I don't like seeing her cry.

"You were dead. I thought you were dead." She says wrapping her arms around my waist and starts to cry into my shirt again.

I wrap my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder. I whisper into her ear. "I'm right here Katniss I'm okay. Stop crying please, it hurts me to see you cry."

She takes her head out of my shirt and looks into my eyes. I look into her beautiful gray eyes, and wonder why she started crying over the thought of me dead.

Before I can do anything she gets on her tiptoes, kisses my cheek, and walks to her class.

I get a sense of warmth were she kisses me and I start smiling insanely. It takes me a while to pull myself together and get back to class.

Katniss' POV

'I love Peeta Mellark' is all I can think as I literally skip to my class. I'm late but the teacher doesn't ask about it because I know he sees my tear-stained cheeks. And the teacher is Cinna anyways. He's almost like a friend to me, but their is definitely nothing romantic between us. I know he cares about me, though.

I sit down beside Clove and she looks at me concerned but doesn't say anything. The group tries not to get emotional around me anymore after last night.

In the end I now she can't stand it anymore "Are you alright?" Clove asks me.

"Yes, I'm better than alright. I feel amazing!" I say excitedly.

"What's gotten into you?" Clove asks giggling.

'I'm in love.' Is what I want to tell her, but what if Peeta doesn't like me back much less love me? So I just say "Nothinggg."

"Obviously it's something, but I'm not gonna push." Clove says putting up her hands like I'm the police.

"Fine, I'll tell you but you have to swear not to tell anyone! Especially not Peeta..." I say trailing off.

"You like him don't you!" She screams.

"Shut up." I say quieting her down "But, yeah!" I say trying to contain myself.

She screams and I laugh and everyone thinks we are crazy but I don't care. In the end we have to actually start our assignment, but she keeps telling me how she knew it, and she can't wait for Peeta and I to get together.

The only thing that bothers me is the fact that he might not like me back. Why would he? I'm not attractive. I'm not even particularly nice. I don't have anything to offer.

I can feel tears in my eyes, but I pull myself together and just push my thoughts aside.


"I'm going to go pick up Prim, but I'll be at my house after that." I tell Peeta as I put the books I don't need tonight in my locker.

"I have to talk to one of my teachers anyways, so you'll probably get there before I do." He says smiling at me.

"Okay," I say looking at me feet "be careful."

He walks over to me and kisses the top of my head. I look into those blue eyes that look at me softly.

"For you... anything." he says as he goes to a classroom.

'He's just being nice.' I think to myself as I walk to my car 'He probably doesn't want me to break down again.'

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