Chapter 4

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When I get to Ms. Trinkets class I see Finnick and Gale sitting at one of the tables in the middle of the classroom.

"Hey guys!" I say coming up behind them putting an arm around both of them.

"Hey Katniss." they both say at the same time.

I sit at a desk in front of Gale because the desks are in groups of four, and Finnick is sitting beside Gale.

I tell them about how Madge wants to have a sleepover on Friday, and that we'll talk about it at lunch. Then Peeta walks into the room. I wave at him and the guys look at him while he walks to the desk beside me.

"Play nice." I say to all three of them when Peeta sits down.

"What, you don't trust us." Finnick says in a fake sad way.

"Well I trust Peeta. I don't know about you two." I say jokingly

"Come on Catnip, you know you can trust us." Gale says sounding actually a little hurt.

"I know, I know, but don't you two double-gang on Peeta now." A pause only for a second and look at him. "He's my friend."

"Don't worry Katniss, I can take them." Peeta says with a breathy laugh at at the end.

"Well you won't have to worry about it, Peeta. We're not gonna do that to you. My name is Finnick and this is Gale." Finnick says gesturing towards Gale.

Just then Ms. Trinket asks for the rooms attention.

"I want all of you to know this class will not be an easy A, you have to put some effort into it. As long as you do that you should be fine." Ms. Trinket pauses for a second to look around the room, then she passes out the syllabus.

The rest of our class time is used by going over the syllabus.

Gale's POV

"So who's house are we having the sleepover at?" Finnick asks as he sits down beside Annie at lunch.

"We decided on my house. My parents have to go on a business meeting." Glimmer says.

"Well that's convenient." Finnick says. It was what everyone else was already thinking.

"So" I say "have you all met Peeta yet?"

"I have." Madge says "Well not officially but Katniss had to move beside him in Social Studies because Delly was being annoying. The teacher wanted her to switch seats with Katniss so she'd be quieter. Delly sat beside me and she kept yapping about how she couldn't believe Haymitch moved her, and that she was going to get her dad to call the school and all this other bull."

"Poor thing." Annie says and everyone else just becomes annoyed at the thought of Delley

Nobody in their right mind would want to be anywhere near Delly Cartwright.

Just then Katniss and Peeta come over to our table.

Katniss' POV

"Hey everyone." I say sitting down beside Glimmer "For those of you who don't know this is Peeta." I say as Peeta sits down beside me.

"Hey, Peeta what's up." Finnick says making Peeta loosen up a bit. "This is Annie, Madge, Cato, Clove, Marvel, Glimmer, Johanna, and you already know Gale."

Peeta says 'Hi' to everyone and then we all start eating until Finnick invites Peeta to the sleepover on Friday.

"Who's house are we having it at?" I ask Finnick

"Mine." Glimmer says telling me that her parents are going on a business meeting all weekend anyways.

"Can you come?" I asks Peeta.

"It'll be fun, and I promise it'll be better then anything else you have planned Friday." Clove adds

Peeta sits their thinking for a minute. "Sure, why not." Peeta says.

"That's the spirit!" Glimmer says.

"Who says "that's the spirit" anymore?" Cato says laughing at Glimmers comment.

"I do." Glimmer scoffs.

"Okay chill y'all." Gale says "Now, sense Glimmer is hosting the party she doesn't have to bring the food and stuff."

"1,2,3" Marvel says quickly.

Everyone immediately puts their pointer finger on their nose. And that's when I realize Peeta doesn't know the rules and is looking at us like we are five years old.

"Peeta has to get the stuff." Johanna says as she realizes the same thing.

"Wait, that's not fair he didn't know the rules." Annie says.

"Rules are rules Annie, and at least now he knows how to play." Johanna says in an 'I don't care.' tone.

"Okay ladies, I know what we need to do." Cato says "Whoever was the second-to-last person to put their finger on their nose has to do it with Peeta."

"That would be Katniss." Clove says in a tone that suggests she just won the Wheel of Fortune or something. And maybe she did because she is usually the one to lose our little game.

"Whatever." I say jokingly rolling my eyes.

Peeta's POV

"Peeta, wait up." Finnick calls to me as I walk to my car after school.

I stop and wait for him.

"Hey, Finnick. Get enough of me yet?" I ask bringing up the fact that we just met today.

"No, not yet. But with what I'm seeing between you and Katniss I'll get enough real soon." Finnick says.

"Really?" I ask

"Really." Finnick says

"Anyways, what did you want to talk to me about?" I ask him

"I just wanted to say that Katniss is like the sister I never had, and sense your her buddy, I'm going to help you fit in with the group. I know your not a bad guy and I actually think we could become close friends." I nod appreciating Finnick for his kindness. "Okay, so first thing you need to know, that whole thing with the nose-goes back their we do that for everything that nobody volunteers to do."

I nod gratefully because I really don't want to have to be the one to do everything for the group.

"Hey, do you wanna come to my house and hangout. It'll mostly be to help you fit in, but I got this really cool, new video game that we could play." Finnick say in a friendly tone.

"Sure, I'll follow you." I say walking to my car.

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