Chapter 3

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"My name is Jemma Simmons by the way, it's lovely to meet you," the young girl explained with a smile as she stared at the strangers in wonder.

"Um hi, my name is the Doctor and this is Rose," the Doctor explained as Rose smiled and waved, "and this is Grant," Grant nodded at the little girl.

"Hello! How did you get here? I was standing right in front of where you just appeared out of thin air! You weren't here a minute ago and then all of the sudden you were! Is that a spaceship? Are you aliens?" She started speaking probably 100 words a minute.

"Slow down sweetie, catch your breath," started Rose, "yes it is a spaceship, the doctor here is an alien called a Time Lord, but me and Grant are normal humans just like you."

"You said he was called a Time Lord, are you three time travelers?" Jemma asked excitedly.

"You're very smart aren't you?" the Doctor asked with a smile, "how old are you?"

"I'm 8! But my mummy and daddy and scientists so Fitz and I know a lot of stuff because of them."

"Who's Fitz? Is he your brother?"

"Oh no, he's my best friend! Come on, I'll take you to meet them!"

"Oh uh... Ok" said the Doctor as she grabbed his hand and pulled him along towards her house. Rose and Grant stared at them for a few seconds before bursting into laughter, a little while later they ran to catch up with the Doctor and Jemma.


"Oh good you're home, Jemma would you mind setting the table- oh!" Mrs. Simmons exclaimed as her daughter opened the front door to reveal three strangers standing sheepishly on her doorstep.

"Hi mum! This is the Doctor and Rose and Grant! They're time travelers that also travel through space and they just popped right out of thin air right in front of me! And the doctor is an alien!" she said the last sentence slowly as she pointed at the Doctor for emphasis.

"I see..."

"Sorry to intrude Mrs. Simmons, but your daughter started talking to us and before I knew it she was dragging me by the hand to come and meet you," the Doctor explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"No it's fine," said Mrs. Simmons with a warm smile, "Jemma loves making new friends," she smiled teasingly at her young daughter.

"Mum! Their spaceship is broken and they don't have anywhere to stay can they stay in our guest house? Pleeeaaasssse?" Jemma asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh Jemma dear it's fine, we can just go get a hotel," said Rose.

Mrs. Simmons protested, "absolutely not, we have a guest house just about a block away from here, I insist you stay until you can get everything of yours sorted out."

"Well thank you very much Mrs. Simmons."

"Here let me show you the way," she turned the oven off, grabbed the spare key and led them out the door. As they were walking Jemma would occasionally point out different shops and places that she liked to eat. Everyone else could barely get a word in.

"Here we are!" Said Mrs. Simmons, "you can stay here as long as you like, we have dinner at 6 every evening so feel free to pop in whenever you need, just please remember to return the key when you finish your stay here."

Jemma ran up to the bedrooms to show Rose and the doctor where they were going to stay but Grant stayed downstairs.

"Something wrong dear?"

"No, it's just that, you only just met us a few minutes ago when your daughter told you we were time travelers and yet you trust us enough to give us a key to your house and shelter in one of your guest houses. Why are you so trusting? Do you normally take in strays or something?"

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