Chapter 14

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"I can't believe I'm doing this!" whisper-shouted Skye at Nat through the comm in her ear.

"You're doing fine, just be quiet."

Skye crept along the hallway, careful not to gain any unwanted attention. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and hacked the key pad, and the door in front of her unlocked.

She made sure that no one would be able to trace it back to her, and she quietly slipped inside. She reached the desk in the middle of the room and crouched down low. She reached her hand up inside one of the drawers and felt around for a piece of cloth, she did the same with all the other drawers until she found exactly what she was looking for. She grabbed it out of the drawer and ran out of the room, careful to leave everything just the way it was when she got there. She ran down the hallway and quickly handed it to Nat,

"There you go, I did what you asked."


Grant turned the corner and saw Skye and Nat talking

"There you go, I did what you asked."

Curious to see what Nat made Skye do, he looked into the room and saw Skye hand Nat, Fury's eyepatch.

"Skye! Did you seriously steal the Director's eyepatch?" he chastised as he walked into the room.


"Why?" He pinched the bridge of his nose, he could already feel a headache forming.

"Nat dared me to!"

Ward smacked Nat upside the head, "why did you make her do that?"

"I promised her an embarrassing story about you if she did," she glared at him and then proceeded to stick her tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes, "Skye, if you wanted embarrassing stories about me, you could always ask Jemma. She had to live with me you know."

"I completely forgot about that, honestly. But I did as you asked Nat, you promised me a story."

"And a story you shall have."

Ward decided that he didn't want to be here for this, so he left the room so he didn't have to hear what Nat was going to tell her.


"Bye Nat," said Skye as she hugged the assassin, "Will we see you soon?"

"I hope so."

They all said goodbye to the two Avengers and headed back to the bus.

"If I do end up taking the mission in Russia," said Nat as she said her last goodbye to Grant, "then I expect you and Skye to be married by the time I get back," she joked.

"You wish. I'll miss you," he rolled his eyes and then hugged her.

"I'm going to miss you too, but this time you have to stay in touch ok?"

"I promise."

"Alright," she said letting him go and taking a step back," bye!"

"Bye Nat."


"So," said Skye as she crept up on Ward later that night, "the tin-man cried during The Lion King?"

Ward hung his head, "she told you that one?"

Skye laughed, "yep!"

"In my defense, I just had a surgery and was on way too many pain meds."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night," she said, retreating back to her bunk for the night.

A/N: I know, I know, it's just a filler chapter but I enjoy making our joy-deprived characters happy for a change. And I'm  sorry that I haven't updated this story in a while, fear not, I haven't forgotten about it. I've been a little busy writing a story that wouldn't leave me alone and I'm actually quite excited about it. It's basically a rewrite of season 2 (and maybe a little bit of season 3) with all the inhumans and that kind of stuff. Anyways, I'm excited about it so keep an eye out for it in the next month or so! 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

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