Chapter 12

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Nat and Clint led the team down a maze of hallways and corridors until they reached a big steel door.

"This, ladies and gentlemen," started Clint, "is the black out room. It is used to help students train for night time ops. Basically... it's a 3 story room where the cadets come to play laser tag," he dead panned.

"Really?" asked Jemma, "We get to play laser tag?"

"Yes, has everyone played laser tag before?"

Rose and Skye both shook their heads, "I didn't have much money growing up to play things like that, and Skye was an orphan, so we both don't know how to play."

"It's easy," said Nat, "I'll explain. Everybody gets a suit," she said as she took out 9 suits from the closet, "on this suit is a sensor. It can tell when you've been shot, if you get shot 3 times, then you're out. These bad boys, are your guns," she said as she handed everyone a gun, "when you shoot these, you can aim for someone else's gun instead of their body, and it will make their gun freeze for 45 seconds, which may not sound long, but believe me, it is."

"Once you get inside," said Clint, "you can find a place to hide with any allies you make," he said, pointing to the group, "you will have 10 seconds to find a good home base before the lights shut off and you're in total darkness. You'll need these," he tossed them 7 night vision goggles and kept 2 for himself and Nat, "these are your night vision goggles, they'll help you see in the darkness so that you don't fall over a railing on the 3rd story. That's only happened once," he grimaced as he subconsciously touched his ribs, "Every one understand?" They all nodded. "Then let's play."

Skye ran into the arena and hid behind a wall, just as the lights went out. She turned on her gun and her goggles and pointed her gun out of the peephole on the wall, waiting for someone to walk by her.


She jumped, putting a hand on her chest, "Geez Ward!"

"You know," said Ward, "I could've shot you. Guess we still need to work on your situational awareness," he rolled his eyes.

"Look, are you gonna shoot me or not? Cuz I'm kinda busy," she asked.

"No, I decided that you and I should be a team."

"Really?" she looked at him disbelievingly.

"Yeah. I also have the scores, they're displayed on your gun, it tells you the players names and how many times they've been shot."

Skye pressed a button on her gun and saw the scores.

Coulson: 1

May: 0

Fitz: 2

Simmons: 2

Rose: 1

Ward: 0

Skye: 0

BW: 0

Hawk: 0

"How did Coulson, FitzSimmons, and Rose get shot already?"

"Nat, Clint, and May teamed up," he lowered his voice to a whisper as he looked at his surroundings.

"Well there goes all hope of winning."

"I think you're underestimating yourself AND forgetting who your team member is, I may not be able to beat Romanoff in a sparring session, but I never lose at laser tag."

"Even if you have a team member who's never played before?"

"Even if I have a team member who's never played before," he assured her.

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