Disclaimers and All That Jazz

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So no, sadly I'm not the amazing Rick Riordan. I don't own any of the Percy Jackson characters, and I will not lie in saying the whole "Percy gets rejected by his friends and goes to Chaos" idea is my own. I've read plenty of those stories in the past, so I wanted to make my own. 

Things that are my own:

Characters that are not mentioned in the series (Amelia, Eric, the alien warriors, etc.)

The actual plot (Everything that happens pretty much. I only got the idea mentioned above from having read the stories in the past. Everything that happens is my idea, especially the ending that I am quite proud of creating)

This is my first full story, and first fanfiction, so I hope everyone that reads enjoys! :)



I wrote this back in middle school before The Trials of Apollo was even announced. Yes, I know there is inaccuracies (both in PJO lore and genuine greek mythology), misspellings, and occasional decisions that, in far more educated hindsight, do not make sense. I have chosen to not edit the majority of the original chapters since posting them, so it is still the (sometimes cringy) story that I wrote years ago.

Please just take into account that this is a work written as my own take on the Percy - Becomes - Chaos' - General story that was at least especially popular in the time between Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo.

Thank you, and enjoy the story!

Warrior of the Sea - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now